

Inside the Matrix VR

MIT website

<p align="center"> <img width="640" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/169328/62210934-3d36a080-b395-11e9-93b6-11d873686f34.png"> </p>

This project is a fan remake of the iconic construct scene and the digital rain from The Matrix for WebVR. I wanted to experiment with VR on the web for some time. Then I found a cool collection of models from the film on Sketchfab which gave me the perfect excuse.

I have the Oculus Quest, and that's what I tested it on. Let me know if you run to any issues using other devices. If you don't have a headset, you can also run it in 360-mode.

Have an idea how to make this better? Submit an issue or make a PR.

<p align="center"> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/169328/62211026-6f480280-b395-11e9-9d64-cd059663054b.gif"> </p>


In the construct, I used the incredibly detailed models by Rodrigo Villani and Sirenko available under CC-BY-4.0.

For the digital rain, I stole the msdf font and some other ideas from Rezmason's much more polished 2D version.

I also used sound effects by these awesome people:

The fonts are IBM Plex and Source Sans Pro.

And the rest of it is three.js which makes working with WebGL really way easier than it should be 🚀.

Thank you all!

Future Work


To get this working on your machine, clone the repo as usual and run yarn to install the dependencies. Run the following command to start a local server:

yarn serve

To generate a deployable build, run:

yarn build

I ended up bundling a slightly modified build of three.js with the project, mainly to make post-processing work in VR. If you see a weird issue, it's probably my fault.


The code in this repo is distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.