


Travis CI

Spektrum is a spectrum analyzer software for use with rtl-sdr.

The biggest advantage is that it can do sweeps across a large frequency span.

User interface part is written in Processing

FM frequency band433 MHz antenna measurement
 FM frequency band  433MHz antenna measurement
User interface with Tabs:Area/Line option
 Latest UI Area graph option
Mouse wheel zoom from middle of graph:Mouse wheel close to graph edges adjusts limits
 Mouse wheel zoom Double right-click or ZOOM button
The zoom area and measurements with cursors:Zoomed in area
 Dual Cursor set Double right-click or ZOOM button
Drag graph with middle mouse button:Area of interest centered
 Graph is not centered After drag
Reference save/display:Averaging (video)
 Reference save/display  Averaging
Min Max hold & Median:VHF band scan with Max hold
 Min Max hold & Median:  VHF band scan with Max hold
Basic support for IF.Average stored as a reference and shifted up.
 Basic support for IF  Average stored as a reference and shifted up.
RTL Power croping : OFF.RTL Power croping : ON.
 Croping off  Croping on

Quick Start

Grab the latest release for your OS and unpack it somewhere.

Connect and configure your rtl-sdr stick.


get Zadiag tool - https://zadig.akeo.ie/ and install WinUSB driver for your SDR dongle


Get libusb-1.0 from your distribution repository

To prevent loading wrong driver, create /etc/modprobe.d/rtl-sdr.conf file with following content

blacklist dvb_usb_rtl28xxu

Create udev rule /etc/udev/rules.d/20.rtlsdr.rules to access as non-root user:

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0bda", ATTRS{idProduct}=="2838", GROUP="adm", MODE="0666"

Launch the software.


Usage is fairly simple

Relative mode

Relative mode allows you to "zero" the measurement and is useful for measurements with noise constant sources

You can find an example here http://www.rtl-sdr.com/rtl-sdr-tutorial-measuring-filter-characteristics-and-antenna-vswr-with-an-rtl-sdr-and-noise-source/

SV Mod (version v0.19a)

This project incorporates so-called SV MOD developed by SV8ARJ (George), SV1SGK (Nick) and others, which brought the following changes:

Big thanks to all participating on this massive extension to Spektrum.


Two libraries are needed to run the code

The rtl-sdr branch is located here: https://github.com/pavels/rtl-sdr

The processing library is here https://github.com/pavels/processing-rtlspektum-lib


You need




Copyright (c) 2015 Pavel Šorejs & Contributors. See LICENSE for further details.