

1 Introduction

Deep Feature Interpolation (DFI) edits the content of an image by interpolating the feature representations of a deep convolutional neural network. DFI is described in Deep Feature Interpolation for Image Content Changes. Project website.

Please cite this paper if you use our work:

Paul Upchurch<sup>1</sup>, Jacob Gardner<sup>1</sup>, Geoff Pleiss, Robert Pless, Noah Snavely, Kavita Bala, Kilian Weinberger. Deep Feature Interpolation for Image Content Changes. In Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2017

<sup>1</sup>Authors contributed equally.

<details> <summary>bibtex</summary> <pre>@inproceedings{upchurch2017deep, title={{D}eep {F}eature {I}nterpolation for Image Content Changes}, author={Upchurch, Paul and Gardner, Jacob and Pleiss, Geoff and Pless, Robert and Snavely, Noah and Bala, Kavita and Weinberger, Kilian}, booktitle={Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)}, year={2017} }</pre> </details>

1.1 Requirements

You will need Linux and at least 9 GB of main memory and a recent GPU with at least 3 GB of memory to transform high-resolution images.

The Caffe and Torch deep learning software should be installed so that import caffe and th work.

Python packages:

  pip install numpy scikit-image Pillow opencv-python scipy dlib lutorpy execnet torch torchvision protobuf

2 Demonstrations

2.1 Demo1


This script produces six kinds of transformations (older, mouth open, eyes open, smiling, moustache, eyeglasses) on LFW faces.

  python demo1.py
  # ~1.3 minutes to reconstruct each image (using 1 Titan-X)
  # Total time: 9.0 minutes

2.2 Demo2

demo2 demo2 demo2

This script ages or adds facial hair to a front-facing portrait at resolutions up to 1000x1000.

Preparing an Images Database

This demo requires a database of high resolution images, which is used to select source and target images for the transformation. Follow the instructions at datasets/facemodel/README.md to collect the database.

Our method requires that your database contains at least 400 source/target images that match the gender and facial expression of the input photo. A warning message will be printed if there are not enough images.

Test images

The source of each test image and our test masks are in datasets/test/. We find that DFI works well on photographs of natural faces which are: un-occluded, front-facing, and lit by natural or office-environment lighting.

python demo2.py <transform> <image> --delta <values>

# e.g. python demo2.py facehair images/facemodel/lfwgoogle/Aaron_Eckhart/00000004.jpg --delta 2.5,3.5,4.5
# possible transforms are 'facehair', 'older', or 'younger'
# 2.1 minutes to reconstruct an 800x1000 image (using 1 Titan-X)
# Total time (800x1000 image): 7.5 minutes

2.3 Demo3


This script fills in missing portions of shoe images.

To reconstruct one of the shoe images:

  python demo3.py
  # 1.3 minutes to reconstruct each image (using 1 Titan-X)
  # Total time: 1.5 minutes

3 Options

3.1 Reconstruction backend (--backend)

We have two backends. Caffe+SciPy uses Caffe to forward/backward VGG (GPU) then uses SciPy to call the FORTRAN implementation of L-BFGS-B (CPU). Torch uses PyTorch to do the entire reconstruction on the GPU. Torch is faster than Caffe+SciPy but it produces a lower-quality result. We set Caffe+SciPy to be default for the LFW and UT-Zappos50K demonstrations and Torch to be the default for the high-res face demonstration.


The Torch model needs 6 GB of GPU memory. The Caffe+SciPy backend needs 3 GB of GPU memory to transform high-res images.

3.2 Interpolation "amount" (--delta)

The delta parameter controls how strong a transformation to make. Setting it to zero results in no transformation at all, and larger numbers result in a stronger transformation. You can input multiple values, like --delta 0.1,0.3,0.5 to try multiple transformations (this will be faster than running them individually).

For most transformations, an ideal delta value will be between 0.0 and 1.0 with --scaling beta (between 0.0 and 5.0 with --scaling none).

3.3 Speed (--iter)

The iter parameter controls how many L-BFGS-B optimization steps are used for reconstruction. Less steps means less time and lower quality. This parameter should not be set lower than 150. With --iter 150 the Torch backend takes 20 seconds to reconstruct a 200x200 image and 3 minutes to reconstruct a 725x1000 image.

3.4 Other options