

<div align="center"> <h1>[3DV24] Cas6D: Learning to Estimate 6DoF Pose from Limited Data: A Few-Shot, <br> Generalizable Approach using RGB Images </h1>

[Paper: Arxiv]

<div> <a href="https://paulpanwang.github.io/">Panwang Pan</a><strong><sup>1,*</sup></strong>, <a href="https://zhiwenfan.github.io/">Zhiwen Fan</a><strong><sup>2,*</sup></strong>, <a href="https://brandonyfeng.github.io/">Brandon Y. Feng</a><strong><sup>3,*</sup></strong>, <a href="https://peihaowang.github.io/">Peihao Wang</a><strong><sup>2</sup></strong>, <a href="https://xggnet.github.io/">Chenxin Li</a><strong><sup>4</sup></strong>, <a href="https://vita-group.github.io/">Zhangyang Wang</a><strong><sup>2</sup></strong> </div> <div> <sup>1</sup>ByteDance &emsp; <sup>2</sup>The University of Texas at Austin &emsp; <sup>3</sup>MIT &emsp; <sup>4</sup>The Chinese University of Hong Kong &emsp; <sup>*</sup>denotes equal contribution </div> <img src="assets/framework.png" width="100%"/> <img src="assets/linemod.gif" width="100%"/> </div> We present a new cascade framework named Cas6D for few-shot 6DoF pose estimation that is generalizable and uses only RGB images.


  1. Download processed co3d data (co3d.tar.gz), google scanned objects data (google_scanned_objects.tar.gz) and ShapeNet renderings (shapenet.tar.gz) at here.
  2. Download COCO 2017 training set.
  3. Organize files like
|-- data
    |-- GenMOP
        |-- chair 
    |-- LINEMOD
        |-- cat 
    |-- shapenet
        |-- shapenet_cache
        |-- shapenet_render
        |-- shapenet_render_v1.pkl
    |-- co3d_256_512
        |-- apple
    |-- google_scanned_objects
        |-- 06K3jXvzqIM
    |-- coco
        |-- train2017
4. Train the detector
python3 train_model.py --cfg configs/detector/detector_train.yaml
  1. Train the selector
python3 train_model.py --cfg configs/selector/selector_train.yaml
  1. Prepare the validation data for training refiner
python3 prepare.py --action gen_val_set \
                  --estimator_cfg configs/gen6d_train.yaml \
                  --que_database linemod/cat \
                  --que_split linemod_val \
                  --ref_database linemod/cat \
                  --ref_split linemod_val

python3 prepare.py --action gen_val_set \
                  --estimator_cfg configs/gen6d_train.yaml \
                  --que_database genmop/tformer-test \
                  --que_split all \
                  --ref_database genmop/tformer-ref \
                  --ref_split all 

This command will generate the information in the data/val, which will be used in producing validation data for the refiner. 7. Train the refiner

python3 train_model.py --cfg configs/refiner/refiner_train.yaml

Evaluate all components together.

# Evaluate on the object TFormer from the GenMOP/LINEMOD dataset
python3 eval.py --cfg configs/cas6d_train.yaml 


We would like to thank Gen6D authors for open-sourcing their implementations.


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  title={Learning to estimate 6dof pose from limited data: A few-shot, generalizable approach using rgb images},
  author={Pan, Panwang and Fan, Zhiwen and Feng, Brandon Y and Wang, Peihao and Li, Chenxin and Wang, Zhangyang},
  booktitle={2024 International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV)},