BlueSky - Lightweight OAuth2 Server and Social Login
Experimental Python OAuth2 server forged with the powerful FastAPI
From Zero to Hero:
In case you want to run BlueSky effortlessly, just start the docker-compose
docker-compose up -d
Enviromment variables:
- DATABASE_URI=postgresql://postgres:admin@bluesky-db/postgres
Database URI
- ACCESS_TOKEN_PRIVATE_KEY=./security/private.pem
Private key used to data encrypt
- ACCESS_TOKEN_PUBLIC_KEY=./security/public.pem
Public key used to perform token validation
Access token lifetime
Refresh token lifetime
- APP_ENV=dev
Enviromment type (dev, prod, test)
To install BlueSky:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To run the first migration:
alembic upgrade head
To run server:
uvicorn asgi:app --reload
To run tests:
pytest --cov=app --cov-report html .\tests\ -s
Swagger API:
ReDoc API:
- register new user
- read users
- read current user (for specific token)
- Endpoints to perform following actions:
- get new access token
- get new refresh token
- swap social token (see supported social services) for access token
- get .well-know with jkws public token Usage
- Endpoints to perform following actions:
Contributing is always welcome, so, feel free to getting in touch and contribute.
- Increase test percentage for project.
- Create sphinx docs
- Create travis
- Extend Api
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