


A local audio recorder (no streaming server required). Currently requires Flash Player 10.1 or above.


####Live demo There is a basic demonstration of using the Local Audio Recorder with a JavaScript callback. This demo requires a browser which supports JavaScript, the HTML5 audio element and Typed Arrays.

####Options The following are the standard options, specified as flashvars. Any additional parameters passed as flashvars will be added to the POST request as extra fields, with names and values as per the flasvars.

Note that as of May 26 2014, the POST request to upload the file is handled internally rather than loaded in the user's browser. Please specify a return URL instead (see above), if you wish for the user to be taken somewhere after the recording has been uploaded. This change is in order to support Flash Player 13, which has removed the ability to set a Content-type for a POST request handed off to the browser (via navigateToUrl()).