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📚 P3X OneNote Linux v2024.10.110

Bugs are evident™ - MATRIX️

NodeJS LTS is supported

Built on NodeJs version



A Linux compatible version of OneNote.

Screenshot 1

Main Features

P3X OneNote Linux is, actually, an independent browser window for the online OneNote. You can use this program without having to clutter your browser. The main functions are:

Detailed Feature Information

<!-- (`````~/.local/share/applications/p3x-onenote.desktop`````) -->

Releases / Downloadable installer





You download from the releases page and install as:

wget https://github.com/patrikx3/onenote/releases/download/v${VERSION}/P3X-OneNote-${VERSION}-x86_64.flatpak
flatpak install ./P3X-OneNote-${VERSION}-x86_64.flatpak
flatpak run com.patrikx3.onenote

Besides the menu is integrated.

AppImage, deb, rpm

AppImage, dep and rpm auto update itself.

To integrate into the menu in AppImage


sudo add-apt-repository ppa:appimagelauncher-team/stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install appimagelauncher

After downloading the AppImage, make it an executable.

mkdir -p $HOME/opt
mv ~/Downloads/p3x-onenote-a.b.c-x86_64.AppImage $HOME/opt/
chmod +x $HOME/opt/p3x-onenote-a.b.c-x86_64.AppImage
# Then you can run it
$HOME/opt/p3x-onenote-a.b.c-x86_64.AppImage &
<!-- It then actually integrates itself into the menus and it will auto update itself. (The GitHub versions are always instant, while the ElectronJs Apps releases are delayed.) -->

The app can be found on ElectronJs Apps and search for P3X, you will find it.


It was a request to build a Windows version. Issue 168

MacOS Compatibility

Our application supports builds for both Intel and Apple Silicon architectures.

<!-- ### Handling Downloaded Files from GitHub Although I'm not an Apple expert, if you download the `zip` file for the `arm64` version, you'll need to execute the following command on the unzipped app to remove the quarantine attribute applied by macOS: ```bash sudo xattr -rd com.apple.quarantine P3X-OneNote.app ``` This command ensures that your system trusts the application, allowing it to run smoothly without security interruptions from macOS. --> <!-- If you want to install it on NodeJs instead of the AppImage, it is deprecated, but available [here](https://github.com/patrikx3/onenote/blob/c78e77c540e21b89e0e063cd50a10707faae722e/README.md#cli-install) ## Important Note Check the ```Keep me signed in``` checkbox when entering your password then choose any page (but not a notebook) after logging in. This will keep you logged in. **Do not install this app using the Command Line Interface (CLI) as it is deprecated** The ```CLI``` installation does not always work due the updating of Linux distros. Is is possible the ```configstore``` only works with ```sudo```, so use the ```released``` ```AppImage``` instead! Installation of ```NodeJs``` is not necessary since the ```AppImage``` includes all dependencies. ```bash # If this weird NPM error is encountered, do the following: node -v # make sure the node version is above 8.9.0 sudo npm install -g p3x-onenote --unsafe-perm=true --allow-root p3x-onenote ``` Logout and relogin, and a menu will now appear. -->

If you are a NodeJs Ninja

You want to install via NPM...

Change log

Read change log

<!-- # Issues #### Corporate login The corporate login is unstable, either it works or not. Only the personal account that I can provide some minimal support. #### Suspend/Sleep/Wake up I recognized, that after suspend/sleep and then wake up, the app is not saving the pages anymore. For now, the solution is, that after wake up, restart the app. #### Not working on SNAP on some versions Usually, on stable distros are working with SNAP, but usually non stable Linux distros could not work. Please, try using the `AppImage`, that is usually better than SNAP. #### Error in auto-updater: Redirect was cancelled Sometimes, you get an `AppImage` error for update, just download the latest release and replace the `AppImage` from here: https://github.com/patrikx3/onenote/releases #### Rasberry and ARM is experimental I have no ARM computer to test it out, I could build `AppImage` on ARM, but I have no idea if has an error, it crashes or it works. #### Tray issues It is possible, that the tray is not working, it is an upstream issue! #### Not loading the pages / freezes Sometimes, it is possible, that OneNote Online does not load properly or freezes, the solutions is to quit and start the program again. (I know, you won't like it at all! 😡) ## Unable to log in This only happens if you kill ```P3X OneNote Linux``` and then relogin many times. So, If the program needs to be killed often, ```sign out``` (on the top right of the Electron browser frame) just to be safe. ### BUT! **Exiting using ```quit``` from the ```p3x-onenote``` menu or the tray, will prevent the problem.** #### Online OneNote Change language Although the main page's language can be changed, it reverts back when an actual page is accessed. This is being investigated. https://github.com/patrikx3/onenote/issues/14 #### Electron problem 🐞 Since Electron v3, the tray left click is executing as the right click, Electron bug. https://github.com/patrikx3/onenote/issues/38 #### Fedora https://github.com/patrikx3/onenote/issues/3#issuecomment-312711801 -->


For file names do not use camelCase, but use kebab-case. Folder should be named as kebab-case as well. As you can see, all code filenames are using it like that, please do not change that. Please apply the .editorconfig settings in your IDE.

For generating rpm on Ubuntu distro, you can use:

sudo apt-get install rpm

If you try to build the app with NPM, you have to change from electron devDependencies to dependencies, this is because it is created to be able to run this app from AppImage instead of an NPM.

URL links

P3X OneNote Linux playground

Corifeus P3X OneNote Linux

AlternativeTo OneNote Linux

NPM P3X OneNote

Snap Store

Github.IO Page

Support Our Open-Source Project ❤️

If you appreciate our work, consider starring this repository or making a donation to support server maintenance and ongoing development. Your support means the world to us—thank you!

Server Availability

Our server may occasionally be down, but please be patient. Typically, it will be back online within 15-30 minutes. We appreciate your understanding.

About My Domains

All my domains, including patrikx3.com and corifeus.com, are developed in my spare time. While you may encounter minor errors, the sites are generally stable and fully functional.

Versioning Policy

Version Structure: We follow a Major.Minor.Patch versioning scheme:

Important Changes: Any breaking changes are prominently noted in the readme to keep you informed.

P3X-ONENOTE Build v2024.10.110

NPM Donate for Corifeus / P3X Contact Corifeus / P3X Like Corifeus @ Facebook