IDA Pro loader module for Nintendo Enternainment System (NES) ROM images.
This loader was written for and works with IDA 4.9. Support for newer IDA versions (>7.x) is covered with the following repository which contains a port of this loader to IDAPython:
Copy compiled loader to %idadir%/loaders/nes.ldw
With the loader installed, compatible files can be opened and disassembled with IDA.
Since the original NES hardware can address up to 16bit of memory, it uses page/bank swapping mechanisms for larger ROM files. However, this loader reads at most two 16k PRG ROM banks into the IDA database, in order to adhere to the original memory layout.
Doing so improves the disassembly but for certain ROMs it currently doesn't allow the entire ROM to be loaded into a single IDA database. As a "workaround", a separate plugin has been developed which simulates the bank/page swapping mechanism:
This loader stores the entire ROM file within netnodes of the IDA Pro database.
As an example, the following example code shows how the original iNES header can be accessed using the INES_HDR_NODE constant.
#include "nes.h"
netnode node(INES_HDR_NODE);
ines_hdr hdr;
node.getblob(&hdr, &INES_HDR_SIZE, 0, 'I');
Dennis Elser