

HexRays Toolbox

HexRays Toolbox (hxtb) is a powerful set of IDAPython scripts that can be used to find and locate code patterns in binaries, independent from their underlying processor architecture.

Use Cases

The query illustrated by the animation below is an example for how a vulnerability that affected WhatsApp for Android (CVE-2019-3568, libwhatsapp.so) can be located using HexRays Toolbox. This is done by formulating a desired code pattern that is to be located using an IDAPython lambda function. Find the example script here.

toolbox animated gif


A valid IDA license and a valid HexRays decompiler license per target architecture is required.


There are several ways of using Hexrays Toolbox, each with a varying degree of flexibility.


Executing the included hxtb_shell.py script from within IDA opens a GUI window that can be used to develop, load and run hxtb queries. The screenshot below shows what a query loaded with hxtb-shell may look like.

hxtb shell

hxtb-shell also accepts Python expressions that are created by the HRDevHelper plugin's context viewer. They can be copied from it and directly pasted into the hxtb-shell GUI.

HRDevHelper context viewer

Further example queries that can be loaded with hxtb-shell can be found in the hxtbshell_queries sub-folder included with HexRays Toolbox.


Loading hxtb.py with IDA (Alt-F7) makes functions such as find_expr() and find_item() available to both the IDAPython CLI and the script interpreter (Shift-F2). Among others, these functions can be used to run queries on the currently loaded IDA database. Please check out some of the examples shown below.

    find_item(ea, q)
    find_expr(ea, q)

    Positional arguments:
        ea:         address of a valid function within
                    the current database
        q:          lambda function
                    custom lambda function with the following arguments:
                    1. cfunc: cfunc_t
                    2. i/e:   cinsn_t/cexpr_t
        list of query_result_t objects

        find_expr(here(), lambda cf, e: e.op is cot_call)
        -> finds and returns all function calls within a current function.
        The returned data is a list of query_result_t objects (see hxtb.py).

        The returned list can be passed to an instance of the ic_t class,
        which causes the data to be displayed by a chooser as follows:

        from idaapi import *
        import hxtb
        hxtb.ic_t(find_expr(here(), lambda cf,e:e.op is cot_call))

    Please find the cfunc_t, citem_t, cinsn_t and cexpr_t structures
    within hexrays.hpp for further help and details.


List expressions that compare anything to zero ("x == 0")

         /   \
      x /     \ y
(anything)  cot_num --- n.numval() == 0
from idaapi import *
from hxtb import find_expr
query = lambda cfunc, e: e.op is cot_eq and e.y.op is cot_num and e.y.numval() == 0
r = find_expr(here(), query)
for e in r:

List (direct) function calls

      x /
from idaapi import *
from hxtb import find_expr
query = lambda cfunc, e: e.op is cot_call and e.x.op is cot_obj
r = find_expr(here(), query)
for e in r:

list of calls

List memcpy calls where "dst" argument is on stack

        cot_call --- arg1 is cot_var
         /           arg1 is on stack
      x /
 cot_obj --- name(obj_ea) == 'memcpy'
from idaapi import *
from hxtb import find_expr
r = []
query = lambda cfunc, e: (e.op is cot_call and
           e.x.op is cot_obj and
           get_name(e.x.obj_ea) == 'memcpy' and
           len(e.a) == 3 and
           e.a[0].op is cot_var and
for ea in Functions():
    r += find_expr(ea, query)
for e in r:

List calls to sprintf(str, fmt, ...) where fmt contains "%s"

        cot_call --- arg2 ('fmt') contains '%s'
      x /
 cot_obj --- name(obj_ea) == 'sprintf'
from idaapi import *
from hxtb import find_expr
r = []
query = lambda cfunc, e: (e.op is cot_call and
    e.x.op is cot_obj and
    get_name(e.x.obj_ea) == 'sprintf' and
    len(e.a) >= 2 and
    e.a[1].op is cot_obj and
    is_strlit(get_flags(get_item_head(e.a[1].obj_ea))) and
    b'%s' in get_strlit_contents(e.a[1].obj_ea, -1, 0, STRCONV_ESCAPE))
for ea in Functions():
    r += find_expr(ea, query)
for e in r:

Show all instructions using signed operators in a list view

from idaapi import *
from hxtb import ic_t
query = lambda cfunc, e: (e.op in
            [cot_asgsshr, cot_asgsdiv,
            cot_asgsmod, cot_sge,
            cot_sle, cot_sgt,
            cot_slt, cot_sshr,
            cot_sdiv, cot_smod])

list of signed operators

Show all "if" statements in a list view

from idaapi import *
from hxtb import ic_t
ic_t(lambda cf, i: i.op is cit_if)

list of if statements

Find all loop statements within current db, display result in a list view

from idaapi import *
from hxtb import ic_t, query_db
ic_t(query_db(lambda cf,i: is_loop(i.op)))

list of loops

Show potential memory copy operations in a list view

from hxtb import ic_t, query_db, find_child_expr
from ida_hexrays import *

find_copy_query = lambda cfunc, i: (i.op is cot_asg and
                                i.x.op is cot_ptr and
                                i.y.op is cot_ptr)

find_loop_query = lambda cfunc, i: (is_loop(i.op) and
                            find_child_expr(cfunc, i, find_copy_query))


list of copy loops