

Kaggle RSNA 2022 - 5th place solution

Thanks to kaggle and the sponsors for organizing this interesting and leak-free competition which had a lot of different angles to explore. Coming directly from the DFL and joining quite late here, we were explicitly looking for the sprint aspect and to challenge ourselves to derive a good solution in only 11 days. Hence our team name: Speedrun (Philipp, Pascal, Christof) Luckily, we could build on ideas shared from previous 3D-RSNA competitions as well as competitions we did before.

Our solution is an ensemble of two quite similar approaches which follow a 3-stage paradigm:

  1. Download and extract the competition data to ./input/rsna-2022-cervical-spine-fracture-detection/
  2. Download and extract metadata from https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/samuelcortinhas/rsna-2022-spine-fracture-detection-metadata to ./input/rsna-2022-spine-fracture-detection-metadata/
  3. Run sh run_stage1.sh for preprocessing and training the 2D classification & segmentation 1st stage models
  4. Run sh run_stage2.sh for preprocessing and training the 2nd stage models
  5. Run sh run_stage3.sh for training the 3rd stage models