

Lxroot - a software virtualization tool


Lxroot is a lightweight alternative to chroot, Docker, and other software virtualization tools.

Lxroot allows a non-root user to quickly and easily create a "chroot-style" virtual software environment (via Linux namespaces), and then run one or more programs (a "guest userland") inside that environment.

For example, with Lxroot a non-root user can...

All without root access!

The name "Lxroot" is a combination of "Lx" (as in "Linux") and "chroot".

Guest userland compatibility

Below are notes on using Lxroot with guest userlands from the following Linux distributions:

Lxroot creates virtual environments via Linux namespaces. When a non-root user creates and enters a Linux namespace, there are inherent and unavoidable limitations. In some cases, these limitations may create compatibility issues, depending on exactly what software you try to run inside Lxroot.

It is also possible (but hopefully unlikely) that your Linux distribution provides a Linux kernel that was compiled with non-root namespaces disabled. In this case, Lxroot will fail to run on your kernel.


$  git  clone  https://github.com/parke/lxroot.git
$  cd  lxroot
$  make  build

Unit tests

The unit tests install an Alpine Linux guest userland. The tests are then run inside this guest userland. This consumes approximately 9MB of disk space: 3MB in /tmp/lxroot-demo, plus 6MB in /tmp/lxroot-unit. Run the unit tests as follows:

$  make  unit

If the final line of output is something like the below, then the unit tests have completed successfully:

unit.sh  done  all tests passed

Demo #1 - Alpine Linux

Demo #1 will create an Alpine Linux guest userland, and then run an interactive shell inside the guest userland. Demo #1 consumes approximately 9MB of disk space in /tmp/lxroot-demo. Creating the Alpine Linux userland is very simple. All Demo #1 needs to do is download and untar an official Alpine Linux minirootfs tarball, and then copy in an appropriate /etc/resolv.conf file.

Run Demo #1 as follows:

$  make  demo

When you run the demo, you should see something like this:

mkdir  -p  /tmp/lxroot-demo/bin
g++  -g   -fmax-errors=2  -Wall  -Werror  -Wextra  -Wno-unused-parameter  lxroot.cpp  -o /tmp/lxroot-demo/bin/lxroot
cp  bin/lxroot  /tmp/lxroot-demo/lxroot
bash  demo.sh  demo1  /tmp/lxroot-demo

#  ( Welcome to the demo of lxroot!                       )
#  ( This demo creates an Alpine Linux guest userland and )
#  ( then runs an interactive shell inside it.            )

+  cd /tmp/lxroot-demo

#  ( Alpine Linux minirootfs - file found             )
#  ( Alpine Linux minirootfs - file checksum is valid )

+  mkdir demo1
+  tar xzf dist/alpine-minirootfs-3.13.5-x86_64.tar.gz -C demo1
+  cp /etc/resolv.conf demo1/etc/

#  ( We will now run the following command to start an interactive  )
#  ( shell inside the Alpine Linux guest userland:                  )
#  (                                                                )
#  (   ./lxroot  -nr  demo1                                         )
#  (                                                                )
#  ( The '-n' option allows network access.                         )
#  ( The '-r' option maps the uid and gid to zero.  In other words, )
#  (   '-r' simulates being the root user.                          )
#  ( 'demo1' is the name of the directory that contains the         )
#  (   Alpine Linux guest userland.                                 )
#  (                                                                )
#  ( The prompt inside the demo should be something like:           )
#  (                                                                )
#  (   root  -nr  ./demo1  ~                                        )
#  (                                                                )
#  ( 'root'    is the name of the (possibly simulated) user         )
#  ( '-nr'     is a summary of some of the command line options     )
#  ( './demo1' is the name of the newroot directory                 )
#  ( '~'       is the name of the current working directory         )

+  exec ./lxroot -nr demo1

root  -nr  ./demo1  ~  

Demo #2 - Nesting a second Lxroot environment inside Demo #1

Lxroot makes it easy to create a child Lxroot nested inside a parent Lxroot.

The below commands will:

These commands will use approximately 221MB of disk space in /tmp/lxroot-demo.

To run Demo #2, please run the following commands:

####  To enter the demo #1 userland, run:
$  make  demo
####  Then, inside the demo #1 userland, run:
$  apk  update
$  apk  add  build-base  git
$  git  clone  https://github.com/parke/lxroot.git
$  cd  lxroot
$  make  build
####  Then, to run the unit tests inside the demo #1 userland, run:
$  apk  add  bash  coreutils
$  make  unit
####  Then, to nest a second userland inside of the demo #1 userland, run:
$  make  demo

Demo #3 - Chromium web browser inside an Arch Linux userland

Demo #3 will create an Arch Linux userland that contains the Chromium web browser. Demo #3 will then run an interactive shell in this userland. Run chromium in this shell to run Chromium.

Demo #3 was developed and tested on an Ubuntu 20.04 host. Demo #3 may or may not run on other hosts.

I have also partially tested Demo #3 on a headless Void Linux system. Everything installs, and I suspect Chromium would run successfully if I connected a monitor and intalled a graphical desktop.

Note: Demo #3 uses 5.2GB of disk space. If /tmp runs out of disk space, Demo #3 will fail. In this case, you may edit Makefile to specify a different demo directory and then run make demo3 again.

Chromium's access to the filesystem will be limited to the Lxroot environment. Furthermore, only $HOME and /tmp will be writable; all other directories will be bind mounted in read-only mode.

Demo #3 will need to create an Arch Linux userland from scratch, as Arch Linux does not provide a minirootfs tarball. Therefore, Demo #3 will do the following:

To run Demo #3, please run:

make  demo3

After downloading the .iso file (which may take several minutes), Demo #3 takes about two minutes to build the three userlands on my computer. I have a low TDP CPU, but all files are read and written to a fast ramdisk. Userland #3, which contains everything Chromium needs to run, is 1.7GB. (This 1.7GB could probably be pruned down significantly, if desired.) Demo #3's total disk usage is approximately 5GB of disk space. By default, all files will be written inside /tmp/lxroot-demo. I think you can change this location by editing one line in Makefile.

At present, sound is disabled in Demo #3. If you wish to attempt to enable sound (via PulseAudio), then edit Makefile and add --pulseaudio to the final line of the demo3 recipe, as shown below. You probably also need to create manually create the $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/pulse directory inside userland3.

$(bin)/lxroot  -nx  --pulseaudio  $(demo)/demo3/userland2/userland3


Lxroot can be thought of as an alternative to the standard Unix program chroot. (Lxroot also has similaries to the Linux program unshare.)

However, Lxroot differs significantly from chroot.

If you are unfamiliar with chroot, the following pages may provide useful background information.

Documentation on Lxroot itself is available by running lxroot --help-more. You may also wish to look at the demo.sh file.

Below is the output of lxroot --help-more:

usage:  lxroot  [[mode] newroot]  [options]  [--]  [command [arg ...] ]

  -short                      one or more short options
  --long-option               a long option
  n=v                         set an environment variable
  [mode]  newroot             set and bind the newroot
  [mode]  path                bind a full or partial overlay
  'src'   [mode]  path        set the source for partial overlays
  'bind'  [mode]  dst  src    bind src to newroot/dst
  'cd'    path                cd to path (inside newroot)
  'wd'    path                cd to path and make path writable
  --                          end of options, command follows
  command  [arg ...]          command


  ra    read-auto  (default for newroot, described below)
  ro    read-only  (bind mount with MS_RDONLY)
  rw    read-write (bind mount without MS_RDONLY)


  e     import (almost) all external environment variables
  n     allow network access (CLONE_NEWNET = 0)
  r     simulate root user (map uid and gid to zero)
  w     allow full write access to all read-auto binds
  x     allow X11 access (bind /tmp/.X11-unix and set $DISPLAY)


  --env           import (almost) all external environment variables
  --help          display help
  --help-more     display more help
  --network       allow network access (CLONE_NEWNET = 0)
  --pulseaudio    allow pulseaudio access (bind $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/pulse)
  --root          simulate root user (map uid and gid to zero)
  --trace         log diagnostic info to stderr
  --version       print version info and exit
  --write         allow full write access to all read-auto binds
  --x11           allow X11 access (bind /tmp/.X11-unix and set $DISPLAY)


The purpose of read-auto mode is to (a) grant a simulated-root user
broad or total write access, while (b) granting a non-root user write
access only to a few select directories, namely: $HOME, /tmp, and

To be precise and complete:

Each bind (including newroot) has a specified mode.  The specified
mode is one of: 'ra', 'ro', or 'rw'.

If no mode is specified for newroot, then newroot's specified mode
defaults to 'ra' (read-auto).

If any other bind lacks a specified mode, then that bind simply
inherits the specified mode of its parent.

Each bind also has an actual mode.  The actual mode is: 'ro' or 'rw'.

A bind's actual mode may be different from its specified mode.  A
bind's actual mode is determined as follows:

If the specified mode is 'rw', then the actual mode is 'rw'.

If the bind is inside a path specified by a wd-option, then the actual
mode is 'rw' (even if that bind's specified mode is 'ro').

If the specified mode is 'ra', and furthormore if:
  a)  the '-r' or '--root' option is specified, or
  b)  the '-w' or '--write' option is specified, or
  c)  the bind's destination path is inside $HOME, /tmp, or /var/tmp,
then the actual mode is 'rw'.

Otherwise the bind's actual mode is 'ro'.


Note that the newroot, full-overlay, and partial-overlay options all
have the same form, namely:  [mode]  path

The first option of this form is the newroot-option.  The newroot-
option specfies the newroot.

If no newroot-option is specified, then lxroot will neither bind,
chroot, nor pivot.  This is useful to simulate root or deny network
access while retaining the current mount namespace.


Zero or more full-overlay options may occur anywhere before the first
set-source option.

A full-overlay option has the form:  [mode]  path

A full-overlay option will attempt to bind all the subdirectories
inside path to identically named subdirectories inside newroot.

For example, if my_overlay contains the subdirectories 'home', 'run',
and 'tmp', then the full-overlay option 'rw my_overlay' will attempt
to bind the following:

  my_overlay/home  to  newroot/home  in read-write mode
  my_overlay/run   to  newroot/run   in read-write mode
  my_overlay/tmp   to  newroot/tmp   in read-write mode

If any newroot/subdir does not exist, then that my_overlay/subdir will
be silently skipped.


A set-source option has the form:  'src'  [mode]  path

'src' is the literal string 'src'.

A set-source option sets the overlay-source-path and the default
overlay-mode.  These values will be used by any following
partial-overlay options.

Zero or more set-source options may be specified.


Zero or more partial-overlay options may occur anywhere after the
first set-source option.

A partial-overlay option has the form:  [mode]  path

A partial-overlay option will bind overlay/path to newroot/path, where
overlay is the overlay-source-path set by the preceding set-source

For example, the two options 'src my_overlay home/my_username' will do
the following:

  1)  first, the overlay-source-path will be set to 'my_overlay'
  2)  then, the following bind will occur:

        my_overlay/home/my_username  to  newroot/home/my_username

If either directory does not exist, lxroot will exit with status 1.

Successive partial-overlay options may be used to bind a selected
subset of the descendants of an overlay into newroot.  (Whereas a
single full-overlay option attempts to bind all of the full-overlay's
immediate subdirectories into newroot.)


A bind-option has the form:  'bind'  [mode]  dst  src

'bind' is the literal string 'bind'.

A bind-option will bind src to newroot/dst, using the optionally
specified mode.

Note that dst precedes src.  This hopefully improves readibilty in
scripts where: (a) many binds may be specified, (b) dst is tyically
shorter than src, and (c) src may vary greatly in length from bind to


A cd-option has the form:  'cd'  path

'cd' is the literal string 'cd'.  One or zero cd-options may be

A cd-option tells lxroot to cd into path (in the new environment)
before executing the command.

path does not include newroot, as a cd-option is processed after the


A wd-option has the form:  'wd'  path

'wd' is the literal string 'wd'.  Zero or more wd-options may be

Lxroot will bind path (and all of path's descendants) in read-write
mode.  So a wd-option is used to make writeable a specific path (and
its descendants) inside the new environment.

path does not include newroot, as wd-options are processed after the

Additionally, if no cd-option is specified, then lxroot will cd into
the path of the last wd-option prior to executing the command.

Note: Any path that is already mounted in read-only mode in the
outside environment (i.e. before lxroot runs) will still be read-only
inside the new environment.  This is because non-root namespaces can
only impose new read-only restricitons.  Non-root namespaces cannot
remove preexsiting read-only restrictions.


The command-option specifies the command that will be executed inside
the lxroot environment.

If no command is specified, lxroot will attempt to find and execute an
interactive shell inside the lxroot environment.

Note the following lexical ambiguity: a path-like argument may specify
either (a) an overlay option or (b) the command option.

lxroot resolves this ambiguity by looking for a directory at the path.
If a directory exists, lxroot interprets the path as an overlay option.
If no such directory exists, lxroot interprets the path as a command.

Note that lxroot does not verify that the command actually exists
inside newroot.  If the command does not exist, then the call to
exec() will will fail and lxroot will exit with status 1.

To force a path to be interpreted as a command, proceed the path with
the option '--'.

Other software virtualization tools

For reference, here is a partial list of some other software virtualization tools, in approximate(?) order from lightest to heaviest:

Apparently unmaintained?