


This project is a prototype implementation of DeepSim, a deep learning-based approach to measure code functional similarity. If you find the tool useful in your work, please cite our FSE 2018 paper:

"DeepSim: Deep Learning Code Functional Similarity". In Proceedings of the 26th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, 2018.


We haven't created a setup script yet. At this moment you can install those dependency packages manually.

We tested it on Ubuntu 16.04.3 64bit. Our hardware environment includes:

The dependency packages are listed below:

This can be easily installed through Conda and instructions on Tensorflow. For the encoding part, we already included the WALA jar package.

How To Run it

In order to run the tool, you need first to generate encoded matrices from Java bytecode files. We already provided the executable jar file encoding.jar in the folder encoding. Once you complied your Java source code files into a jar package, you can run the below command to generate the matrices:

./encoding.jar your-bytecode-jar-path.jar

The generated matrices will be stored in the folder data under your current working directory. (We already test this tool on a set of Java projects and it works well. If you find any crashes/errors, please post an issue here.)

NOTE: the default matrix size is 128. If you want to change this, just change the value of the variable fixedSize in the Encoder.java source code file.

If you just want to have a quick try of the tool, we also provided the matrices we generated for the GCJ dataset used in our paper. They are in the dataset folder. In particular, we already stored the matrices using numpy's dump function. So you can directly read it using the below code:

file_path = "path-to-the-datafile/g4_128.npy"
dataset = np.load(open(file_path, 'r'))
X, y = np.array(dataset['X']), np.array(dataset['y'], dtype=np.int)

Each sample here is a in a spart format. For each 88d feature vector, we only store the indices on which the value is 1. If you want to visualize a sample (as the one in our paper), just convert it back to the normal matrix.

After getting the matrices, you can run classification.py to train the model. By default we are running a 10-fold cross-validation experiment. You may need to change some paths to your desired folders, since we haven't cleaned the code yet. Feel free to tweak those super-parameters (batch size, learning rate, layer size, class weights, etc.)

On our environment, each run of the 10-fold takes nearly 3.75 hours. If you are running it using a weaker GPU, please expect longer time to finish. If you use larger batch size, please make sure that you have enough large memory, since each sample contains 12812888 elements. If the result you get are different from what reported in the paper, just change the super-parameters to the values presented in the paper (if you are running on the GCJ dataset), or you can write a simple script to find your best parameter setting on your dataset.

Running the rest two baseline models are similar.


We are working on a set of improved models, some of them are trying to address the limitations of this work. Hope we can finish and release them soon.

In addition, we probably will include a simple web project in this repo for collecting larger and more comprehensive training samples (though we will not hold it on our server).