

<p align="center"> <img src="screenshot.png" width="512" > </p>

Paravim is an editor for Nim powered by Vim (via libvim) and rendered with OpenGL (via paranim). There are two ways to run it:

  1. As a standalone executable. That is what this repo contains. To build it, install Nim and do:
nimble install pvim

Then, as long as you have ~/.nimble/bin on your PATH, you should be able to run pvim in any directory.

  1. Embedded inside a game. The core of pvim is in a separate library that can be run inside a paranim game.

A few notes for linux users:

  1. On Ubuntu, if pvim fails to build, you may need to install X11 and OpenGL related libraries with sudo apt install xorg-dev libgl1-mesa-dev
  2. On Ubuntu, if pvim fails to load, try sudo apt install libtinfo5
  3. On Arch, if pvim fails to load, you may need to do sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libtinfo.so.6 /usr/lib/libtinfo.so.5