


How to start a new Papers We Love chapter

  1. First things first: Please read and abide by our Code of Conduct. This is very important.

  2. Have a chapter repository created within the Papers We Love organization: Open an issue on this repo requesting a chapter repo and telling us about yourself, who is helping you out, where we can find you online (twitter, etc) and where you're planning on starting the chapter. One of the Papers We Love administrators will get in touch with you and once everything is squared away will create the repo for your planned chapter. You will be added to a chapter-organizers team and given read / write access to the repo.

  3. Edit the Code of conduct template in your repo to include your contact information, and contact information for any other co-organizers of your chapter.

  4. Use the chapter repo for discussions, local content and communication outside of Slack. Think of it as a resource to help with continuity - if you hand the chapter over to someone else in the future, they don't have to start from scratch.

  5. Once you have had your first meetup create a pull request on the main Papers We Love repo adding you to the official chapters list in the README.md file.

General tips on running a chapter: