Middleware that allows you to use <a href=''>assetgraph</a> to manipulate HTML pages and their related assets while they are being served.
Note: This module should be considered experimental for now. It doesn't yet persist the manipulated assets to disc, so it will break if your server has multiple workers.
Make sure you have node.js and npm installed, then run:
npm install assetgraph-middleware
- Use any of the existing assetgraph transforms to express the manipulations you want performed (very high level syntax).
- Very composable. The original HTML files can originate from any other other middleware, eg. a static file server, a templating engine, or even an http proxy.
- Acts as a cache for the generated assets so the optimizations don't need to be performed on every request.
- Makes good use of the downstream middleware's support for conditional GET via ETags.
An Express-based static file server that bundles JavaScript and CSS, inlines JavaScript, and assigns md5-derived urls to CSS, shortcut icons and background images:
var express = require('express'),
root = '/path/to/static/files';
root: root,
processUrls: /\/$|\.html$/,
transform: function (assetGraph, cb) {
// This transform will be run on an assetgraph object that contains only the Html asset.
// Populate the assetgraph with the related assets by following <script>,
// <link rel="stylesheet">, url(...), and <link ref="shortcut icon">:
followRelations: {
type: ['HtmlStyle', 'HtmlScript', 'CssImage', 'HtmlShortcutIcon'],
to: {
url: /^file:/
// Bundle Css and JavaScripts:
.bundleRelations({type: ['HtmlStyle', 'HtmlScript']})
// Turn <script src=...> into inline scripts:
.inlineRelations({type: 'HtmlScript'})
// Pretty-print Html, JavaScript, and Css assets:
.prettyPrintAssets({type: ['Html', 'JavaScript', 'Css']})
// Rename assets to <md5 of contents>.<original extension>
.moveAssetsInOrder({type: assetGraph.constructor.query.not('Html')}, function (asset) {
return '/static/' + asset.md5Hex + asset.extension;
3-clause BSD license -- see the LICENSE
file for details.