kong-admin-proxy []
A web proxy microservice that proxies requests to the native Kong's Admin API, while extending it by providing helpful methods for integration.
- A running Kong installation
- Nodejs
- Npm
- Sailsjs
With npm
<pre> # Install npm install -g kong-admin-proxy # Start service kong-admin-proxy start # To start kong-admin-proxy on a custom port kong-admin-proxy start -p [port] </pre>From source
<pre> $ git clone $ cd kong-admin-proxy $ npm install $ npm start </pre>Configuration
There is an example configuration file on following path.
<pre> /config/local_example.js </pre>Just copy this to <code>/config/local.js</code> and make necessary changes to it. Note that this <code>local.js</code> file is in .gitignore so it won't go to VCS at any point.
kong-admin-proxy proxies requests to all Kong's admin routes
The microservice registers itself to Kong and can be accessed like:
<pre> $ curl -X (GET,POST,PATCH,PUT,DELETE) http://kong:8000/kong-proxy/{any-kong-admin-api-route} </pre>Request Headers
<table> <tr> <th>Header</th> <th>Default</th> <th>Description</th> </tr> <tr> <td><code>apikey</code> (required)</td> <td>-</td> <td><small>The <code>key-auth</code> credential assigned to a registered consumer.</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td><code>kong-admin-url</code> (optional)</td> <td><small>The <code>kong_admin_url</code> specified in <code>/config/local.js</code> configuration.</small></td> <td><small>The URL of Kong's admin API.</small></td> </tr> </table>Extended methods
Create Consumer <code>POST</code>
$ curl -X POST http://kong:8000/kong-proxy/consumers
Create a consumer while associating it with groups and authorizations all at once.
Request Body
<table> <tr> <th>Attribute</th> <th>Description</th> </tr> <tr> <td><code>username</code> (semi-optional)</td> <td><small>The consumer's <code>username</code>.</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td><code>custom_id</code> (semi-optional)</td> <td><small>The consumer's <code>custom_id</code>.</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td><code>acls</code> (optional)</td> <td><small>An array of group names to assign to the consumer.</small></td> </tr> <tr> <td><code>authorizations</code> (optional)</td> <td><small>An array of Authorization credentials to assign to the consumer.</small></td> </tr> </table>Example
<pre> { "username" : "testio", "custom_id" : "qwerty", "acls" : ["group1","group2","group3"], "authorizations" : [{ "name" : "basic-auth", "config" : { "username" : "testio", "password" : "secret" } },{ "name" : "hmac-auth", "config" : { "username" : "testio", "secret" : "secret" } },{ "name" : "jwt" // Default configuration will be used },{ "name" : "key-auth" // Default configuration will be used },{ "name" : "oauth2", "config" : { "name" : "testio", "redirect_uri" : "" } }] } </pre>Register API <code>POST</code>
$ curl -X POST http://kong:8000/kong-proxy/apis
Register an API while adding required plugins to it as well.
You can also update an already registered API and it's associated plugins by including the API's <code>id</code> property to the request.
#####Request Body
<table><thead> <tr> <th style="text-align: right">Attribute</th> <th>Description</th> </tr> </thead><tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align: right"><code>name</code><br><em>optional</em></td> <td>The API name. If none is specified, will default to the <code>request_host</code> or <code>request_path</code>.</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: right"><code>request_host</code><br><em>semi-optional</em></td> <td>The public DNS address that points to your API. For example, <code></code>. At least <code>request_host</code> or <code>request_path</code> or both should be specified.</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: right"><code>request_path</code><br><em>semi-optional</em></td> <td>The public path that points to your API. For example, <code>/someservice</code>. At least <code>request_host</code> or <code>request_path</code> or both should be specified.</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: right"><code>strip_request_path</code><br><em>optional</em></td> <td>Strip the <code>request_path</code> value before proxying the request to the final API. For example a request made to <code>/someservice/hello</code> will be resolved to <code>upstream_url/hello</code>. By default is <code>false</code>.</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: right"><code>preserve_host</code><br><em>optional</em></td> <td>Preserves the original <code>Host</code> header sent by the client, instead of replacing it with the hostname of the <code>upstream_url</code>. By default is <code>false</code>.</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align: right"><code>upstream_url</code></td> <td>The base target URL that points to your API server, this URL will be used for proxying requests. For example, <code></code>.</td> </tr> <td style="text-align: right"><code>plugins</code></td> <td>An array of plugin configurations to add to the API.</td> </tr> </tbody></table>Example
<pre> { "name" : "testapi", "request_path" : "/testapi", "strip_request_path" : true, "preserve_host" : false, "upstream_url" : "", "plugins" : [{ "name" : "hmac-auth", "config.hide_credentials" :false },{ "name" : "acl", "config.blacklist" : "," },{ "name" : "jwt" // Default configuration will be used }] } </pre>Retrieve consumer credentials <code>GET</code>
$ curl -X GET http://kong:8000/kong-proxy/consumers/{id or username}/credentials
Retrieve all credentials assigned to the specified consumer
Example response
<pre> HTTP 200 OK { "credentials": [ { "name": "jwt", "data": [ { "secret": "5e107841ab65444b936c45013723c377", "id": "6c5431ca-b311-4111-aea4-b4d57a61d5c4", "created_at": 1479414037000, "key": "87aacc4f613447ed9f8bcec05f787a34", "algorithm": "HS256", "consumer_id": "8c669088-796b-46f2-aaa5-f403760811f0" } ], "total": 1 }, { "name": "key-auth", "data": [ { "created_at": 1479327062000, "consumer_id": "8c669088-796b-46f2-aaa5-f403760811f0", "key": "17cd7df14bc24dc385d7e40fdeb25714", "id": "a7e22f17-c738-4a53-b994-d2921255936e" } ], "total": 1 }, ... ], "total": 5 } </pre>Author
Panagis Tselentis