

Bye bye next boilerplate, welcome to superplate!

It has been a long time since we started next-boilerplate project. We are proud that it helped many frontend developers around the globe to speed up their frontend development cycles.

In time, we took valuable lessons from our experience and the community feedback:

To tackle the complexity problem we started a new project from scratch. We call it "superplate" - the frontend boilerplate with superpowers.

It's built on top of a plugin architecture and allows you integrate your own tools and best practices with ease. It also includes more than 30 built-in plugins of your favorite tools.

superplate's default framework is Next.js, so you can start using it immediately instead of next-boilerplate. More framework targets are coming soon.

You may checkout the project from the repo page or documentation.

<br/> <a href="https://github.com/pankod/superplate"> <img src="./superplate.gif" /> </a> <br/>


<img src="banner.jpg" alt="Performance oriented Next.js application boilerplate with Redux, Typescript, Express.js and Sass." align="center" /> <br/> <div align="center" >Performance oriented Next.js application boilerplate with Redux, Typescript, Express.js and Sass.</div> <br/> <div align="center"> <!-- Meercode --> <a href="https://meercode.io/"> <img src="https://meercode.io/badge/pankod/next-boilerplate?type=ci-score&lastDay=60" /> </a> <a href="https://meercode.io/"> <img src="https://meercode.io/badge/pankod/next-boilerplate?type=ci-success-rate&lastDay=60" /> </a> <!-- CodeClimate --> <a href="https://codeclimate.com/github/pankod/next-boilerplate/maintainability"> <img src="https://api.codeclimate.com/v1/badges/077c02d5cb9ec7d8a654/maintainability" /> </a> <!-- TestCoverage --> <a href="https://codeclimate.com/github/pankod/next-boilerplate/test_coverage"><img src="https://api.codeclimate.com/v1/badges/077c02d5cb9ec7d8a654/test_coverage" /></a> <!-- Build Status --> <a href="https://travis-ci.org/pankod/next-boilerplate"> <img src="https://travis-ci.org/pankod/next-boilerplate.svg?branch=master" alt="Build Status" /> </a> <!-- Dependency Status --> <a href="https://david-dm.org/pankod/next-boilerplate"> <img src="https://david-dm.org/pankod/next-boilerplate.svg" alt="Dependency Status" /> </a> <!-- devDependency Status --> <a href="https://david-dm.org/pankod/next-boilerplate#info=devDependencies"> <img src="https://david-dm.org/pankod/next-boilerplate/dev-status.svg" alt="devDependency Status" /> </a> </div> <br/> <div align="center"> <sub>Created by <a href="https://www.pankod.com">Pankod</a></sub> </div>


Next.js is a minimalistic React framework that runs on the browser and the server. It offers developers an easy way to get started, and as it uses React.js for templating, it's also a straightforward way for developers with React experience to get productive quickly.

The advantage of this approach is to be able to create rich user experiences in a uniform way, without compromising SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) factors that are key to good ranking on Google and other search engines.

This boilerplate makes it easier to get up and running with a well-structured Next.js and TypeScript application.



next-boilerplate project provides a lot of features out of the box. Here's an overview of the included components and tools.

Setup & Documentation

Please refer to our setup guide to create a new app.

For more detailed documentation, check out https://pankod.github.io/next-boilerplate/


Built-in CLI

<div> <img width="600" src="./boilerplate-cli.gif" > </div> <br/> <br/>

Pankod boilerplate is shipped with a CLI tool to streamline the creation of new components. By using the CLI tool, you may easily add pages, class components or functional components to your project and have all the required actions, reducers and imports are automatically created for you. <br />

To start the CLI, you may have to install it beforehand if you haven't yet.

~ $ npm i -g @pankod/pankod-cli

Then you can use it in your projects:

~ $ npm run cli

After starting, an interactive menu will let you configure the component to be created. Firstly, you'll be asked for the type of the component whether it's a page or a functional component. Then you'll be prompted with the other options relevant to your selection.

Eventually, you'll end up with a page or component with style and test files in no time.



Licensed under the MIT License, Copyright © 2018-present Pankod