


MicroPython driver for DS3231 RTC and AT24C32 EEPROM module.

EEPROM Driver coming soon!


Driver for the Dallas DS3231, a highly accurate RTC IC.

I wrote this driver to make an easier to use and complete driver to access all the functions the DS3231 has. The driver has been designed for use with an ESP8266 but should work on fine on other devices as long as an I2C instance can be given.

Some care has been put into memory use, with most variables buffered when constructing. Checking the alarms and setting the SQW/INT doesn't use memory allocation in the heap and can be used in ISR. This does not imply methods are thread safe.

This driver implements both alarms and all available match triggers, interrupts and checks.

Oscillator Stop Flag (OSF) is checked when displaying the time. Giving an indication of the validity of time data. When not printing to the REPL the OSF can be cheked manually.

Square wave output and also the crystal output can be set.

The temperature readout and aging offset options have not been implemented yet. I see no priority to implement temperature data since I can't come up with a plausible use case, but requests are welcome. As soon as I get access to a decent oscilloscope I will start playing with the aging offset features.


Create instance

Create an instance of the DS3231 class:

from machine import Pin, I2C
from ds3231 import DS3231

i2c = I2C(sda=Pin(4), scl=Pin(5))

ds = DS3231(i2c)

Time functions

Example of setting the date and time:

year = 2020 # Can be yyyy or yy format
month = 10
mday = 3
hour = 13 # 24 hour format only
minute = 55
second = 30 # Optional
weekday = 6 # Optional

datetime = (year, month, mday, hour, minute, second, weekday)

returns in format of the ESP8266 RTC: (2020, 10, 3, 6, 13, 55, 30, 0) # (year, month, mday, wday, hour, minute, second, 0)

Set the ESP8266 internal RTC using the DS3231

import machine
rtc = machine.RTC()

Get the date and time

Call ds.datetime() to get the current date and time. This will print a warning on the REPL when the Oscillator Stop Flag (OSF) is set. When not using the REPL the OSF

Alarm functions

The DS3231 has 2 internal alarms with can each be set independently to different match conditions. The alarm has match options ranging from every second to every month.

Call an alarm without arguments and it will return the current alarm setting register.

alarm 1

Set alarm 1: DS3231.alarm1([time[, match[, int_en[, weekday]]]])

time : tuple, (second,[ minute[, hour[, day]]]) weekday : bool, select mday (False) or wday (True) match : int, match const int_en : bool, enable interrupt on alarm match on SQW/INT pin (disables SQW output)

Alarm 1 has the following match options:

ds.AL1_EVERY_S      # Alarm every second
ds.AL1_MATCH_S      # Alarm when seconds match (every minute)
ds.AL1_MATCH_MS     # Alarm when minutes, seconds match (every hour)
ds.AL1_MATCH_HMS    # Alarm when hours, minutes, seconds match (every day)
ds.AL1_MATCH_DHMS   # Alarm when day|wday, hour, min, sec match (specific wday / mday) (once per month/week)


# Set alarm 1 for 16:10:15 every day
ds.alarm1((15, 10, 16), match=ds.AL1_MATCH_HMS)

alarm 2

Set alarm 2: DS3231.alarm2([time[, match[, int_en[, weekday]]]])

time : tuple, (minute[, hour[, day]]) weekday : bool, select mday (False) or wday (True) match : int, match const int_en : bool, enable interrupt on alarm match on SQW/INT pin (disables SQW output)

Alarm 2 has the following match options:

ds.AL2_EVERY_M # Alarm every minute on 00 seconds
ds.AL2_MATCH_M # Alarm when minutes match (every hour)
ds.AL2_MATCH_HM # Alarm when hours and minutes match (every day)
ds.AL2_MATCH_DHM # Alarm when day|wday match (once per month/week)


# Set alarm 1 for 19:30 every Tuesday
ds.alarm2((30, 19, 2), match=ds.AL2_MATCH_DHM, weekday=True)

Checking and clearing alarms

You can manually check to see if an alarm has triggered. This will return True when the alarm has been triggered and False otherwise. The act of checking clears the alarm register automatically.


alarm : alarm number, can be 1 or 2

Square wave output

The DS3231 can output a square wave on the SQW/INT output pin. The following frequencies are availalbe:


ds.square_wave(freq=ds.FREQ_1024) # Enable 1024 Hz output
ds.square_wave(freq=False) # Disable SQW output


The DS3231 can also output the crystal frequency at 32768 Hz on a dedicated pin (32K). This output is enabled by default on powerup and can me changed as follows:

ds.output_32kHz() # Enable 32 kHz output
ds.output_32kHz(False) # Disable 32 kHz output