Never hard code your urls again. Boomboom routing-duplex them all!
It was quite a nice coding challange and experiment for me, but I feel that routing-duplex
exposes much cleaner and user friendly API at this moment. Please check it first!
Bidirectional routing library with principled plumbing which provides easy to use generic sugar for variants and records.
Still β stage...
The core type of this library is BoomBoom.BoomBoom
which translates really to this simple record:
newtype BoomBoom tok a = BoomBoom { prs ∷ tok → Maybe { a ∷ a, tok ∷ tok }, ser ∷ a → tok }
So our BoomBoom tok a
is a simple parser from tok
to a
and also a total serializer function in opposite direction. Composability of this type requires usually that tok
has a Semigroup
instance. For details check BoomBoom.BoomBoom
module docs.
Basic generic helpers
Please note that more user friendly API is described in the next section.
These are tests fragments (test/BoomBoom/Generic.purs
) which use basic generic helpers:
in this case is anArray String
isBoomBoom (Array String) Int
is a helper which buildsBoomBoom
for a give record ofBoomBooms
is a record wrapper which providesEq
Record BoomBoom
generation and usage:
recordB = BoomBoom.Generic.record { x: int, y: int, z: int }
Test.Unit.suite "simple record boomboom" $ do
test "serializes correctly" $ do
equal ("1":"2":"3":Nil) (serialize recordB { x: 1, y: 2, z: 3 })
test "parses correctly" $ do
equal (Just $ R { x: 1, y: 2, z: 3 }) (R <$> parse recordB ("1":"2":"3":Nil))
Variant BoomBoom
generation and usage (with variant
variantB = variant
{ zero: BoomBoom $ pure unit
, one: int
-- | Here we are wrapping our record in `R`
-- | it is only required because we want
-- | to perform `eq`...
, two: BoomBoom $ R <$> unwrap >- recordB
Test.Unit.suite "simple variant boomboom" $ do
wrong = ("wrong":"8":Nil)
zi = ("zero":Nil)
oi = ("one":"1":Nil)
ti = ("two":"2":"3":"4":Nil)
zv = inj (SProxy ∷ SProxy "zero") unit
ov = inj (SProxy ∷ SProxy "one") 1
tv = inj (SProxy ∷ SProxy "two") (R {x: 2, y: 3, z: 4})
test "serializes correctly" $ do
equal zi (serialize variantB zv)
equal oi (serialize variantB ov)
equal ti (serialize variantB tv)
test "parses correctly" $ do
equal Nothing (parse variantB wrong)
equal (Just zv) (parse variantB zi)
equal (Just ov) (parse variantB oi)
equal (Just tv) (parse variantB ti)
Of course you can compose and mix these BoomBooms
and build arbitrarly large routers/serializers:
nestedB = variant
{ p1: variant
-- | Here again our R which is here just for `eq`
{ sp1: ((xrap $ record { x: int, y: int, z: int }) ∷ BoomBoom _ R)
, sp2: int
, p2: int
i = ("p1":"sp1":"1":"2":"3":Nil)
iv = inj (SProxy ∷ SProxy "p1") (inj (SProxy ∷ SProxy "sp1") (R {x: 1, y: 2, z: 3}))
test "serializes correctly" $ do
equal i (serialize nestedB iv)
test "parses correctly" $ do
equal (Just iv) (parse nestedB i)
Typelevel interpretation and helpers
Let's assume that we have routes from previous example and want to produce this serialization p1/sp1/1/2/3
result. To do this we have to build our variant by hand (as in previous example):
serialize $ inj (SProxy ∷ SProxy "p1") (inj (SProxy ∷ SProxy "sp1") {x: 1, y: 2, z: 3})
This API is not really readable and easy to use as we have to nest all these inj
functions with SProxy
In BoomBoom.Generic.Interpret
you can find "type level interpreters" which are able to produce BoomBooms
but also easy to use builders of values (variants/records) from "records tree".
Instead of building BoomBooms
directly you should define your tree using provided constructors:
import BoomBoom.Generic.Interpret (V, R, B)
import BoomBoom.Strings (int)
desc = V
{ p1: V
{ sp1: R { x: B int, y: B int, z: B int }
, sp2: B int
, p2: B int
Now you can produce your BoomBoom
value but also a builder
import BoomBoom.Generic.Interpret (interpret)
import Type.Prelude (SProxy(..))
-- | Generate a builder
builder = interpret (SProxy ∷ SProxy "builder") desc
-- | Generate a BoomBoom
boomboom = interpret (SProxy ∷ SProxy "boomboom") desc
This builder
is a record (for variants build up) or function (for records build up) which helps us build values ready for serialization. So for example this:
v = builder.p1.sp1 {x: 1, y: 2, z: 3}
Is equivalent of this:
v = inj (SProxy ∷ SProxy "p1") (inj (SProxy ∷ SProxy "sp1") {x: 1, y: 2, z: 3})
Now we can use this value and serialize it:
serialize boomboom v
Output (in case of BoomBoom.Strings
serialization) value:
And here is completely different approach which uses apply
and BoomBoom.diverge
(aka (>-)
path :: BoomBoom String { x :: Int, y :: Int }
path = BoomBoom $
{ x: _, y: _ }
<$> _.x >- int
<* lit "test"
<*> _.y >- int
main :: forall e. Eff (console :: CONSOLE | e) Unit
main = do
log $ unsafeStringify (parse path ("8080":"test":"200":Nil))
log (serialize path { x: 300, y: 800 })
Output values:
-- | I've replaced here `Cons` with (:) to simplify reading
There is ongoing work for "API interpreters" which would generate records clients and server helpers but also docs etc.