


Use Redis Time Series in PHP!

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Getting up and running


composer require palicao/php-redis-time-series


The library is tested against:

In order to use RedisTimeSeries 1.2 please use version 2.1.1 of this library.


$ts = new TimeSeries(
    new RedisClient(
        new Redis(),
        new RedisConnectionParams($host, $port)

TimeSeries methods


TimeSeries::create(string $key, ?int $retentionMs = null, array $labels = []): void

Creates a key, optionally setting a retention time (in milliseconds) and some labels.

See https://oss.redislabs.com/redistimeseries/commands/#tscreate.


TimeSeries::alter(string $key, ?int $retentionMs = null, array $labels = []): void

Modifies an existing key's retention time and/or labels.

See https://oss.redislabs.com/redistimeseries/commands/#tsalter.


TimeSeries::add(Sample $sample, ?int $retentionMs = null, array $labels = []): Sample

Adds a sample.

If the key was not explicitly created, it's possible to set retention and labels.

See https://oss.redislabs.com/redistimeseries/commands/#tsadd.


Please notice that RedisTimeSeries only allows to add samples in order (no sample older than the latest is allowed)


TimeSeries::addMany(array $samples): array

Adds several samples.

As usual, if no timestamp is provided, the redis server current time is used. Added samples are returned in an array.

See https://oss.redislabs.com/redistimeseries/commands/#tsmadd.

incrementBy and decrementBy

TimeSeries::incrementBy(Sample $sample, ?int $resetMs = null, ?int $retentionMs = null, array $labels = []): void

TimeSeries::decrementBy(Sample $sample, ?int $resetMs = null, ?int $retentionMs = null, array $labels = []): void

Add a sample to a key, incrementing or decrementing the last value by an amount specified in $sample. The value can be optionally reset after $resetMs milliseconds.

Similarly to add, if the command is used on a non-existing key, it's possible to set retention and labels.

See https://oss.redislabs.com/redistimeseries/commands/#tsincrbytsdecrby.


TimeSeries::createRule(string $sourceKey, string $destKey, AggregationRule $rule): void

Creates an aggregation rule which applies the given $rule to $sourceKey in order to populate $destKey.

Notice that both key must already exist otherwise the command will fail.

See https://oss.redislabs.com/redistimeseries/commands/#tscreaterule.



TimeSeries::deleteRule(string $sourceKey, string $destKey): void

Deletes an existing aggregation rule.

See https://oss.redislabs.com/redistimeseries/commands/#tsdeleterule.


TimeSeries::range(string $key, ?DateTimeInterface $from = null, ?DateTimeInterface $to = null, ?int $count = null, ?AggregationRule $rule = null, bool $reverse = false): Sample[]

Retrieves samples from a key. It's possible to limit the query in a given time frame (passing $from and $to), to limit the retrieved amount of samples (passing $count), and also to pre-aggregate the results using a $rule.

The flag $reverse will return the results in reverse time order.

See https://oss.redislabs.com/redistimeseries/commands/#tsrange.

multiRange and multiRangeWithLabels

TimeSeries::multiRange(Filter $filter, ?DateTimeInterface $from = null, ?DateTimeInterface $to = null, ?int $count = null, ?AggregationRule $rule = null, bool $reverse = false): Sample[]

TimeSeries::multiRangeWithLabels(Filter $filter, ?DateTimeInterface $from = null, ?DateTimeInterface $to = null, ?int $count = null, ?AggregationRule $rule = null, bool $reverse = false): SampleWithLabels[]

Similar to range, but instead of querying by key, queries for a specific set of labels specified in $filter.

multiRangeWithLabels will return an array of SampleWithLabels instead of simple Samples.

The flag $reverse will return the results in reverse time order.

See https://oss.redislabs.com/redistimeseries/commands/#tsmrange.


TimeSeries::getLastSample(string $key): Sample

Gets the last sample for a key.

See https://oss.redislabs.com/redistimeseries/commands/#tsget.


TimeSeries::getLastSamples(Filter $filter): Sample[]

Gets the last sample for a set of keys matching a given $filter.

See https://oss.redislabs.com/redistimeseries/commands/#tsmget.


TimeSeries::info(string $key): Metadata

Gets useful metadata for a given key.

See https://oss.redislabs.com/redistimeseries/commands/#tsinfo.


getKeysByFilter(Filter $filter): string[]

Retrieves the list of keys matching a given $filter.

See https://oss.redislabs.com/redistimeseries/commands/#tsqueryindex.

Advanced connection parameters

You can manipulate your RedisConnectionParams using the following methods:

Building Filters

A Filter is composed of multiple filtering operations. At least one equality operation must be provided (in the constructor). Adding filtering operations can be chained using the method add.


Local testing

For local testing you can use the provided docker-compose.yml file, which will create a PHP container (with the redis extension pre-installed), and a redis container (with Redis Time Series included).


Thanks Mrkisha for the precious contributions.