


Aims to be a C implementation if the IETF RIPT draft

For noe all it does is build the client and server examples from lsquick outside that src tree.


Build and install lsquick https://github.com/litespeedtech/lsquic

In that process boringssl is also build

It helps to have a directory structure like this:

[some dir]/boringssl
[some dir]/lsquick
[some dir]/cRIPT

The build.sh scripts assumes that. If your directory structure is different adjust the -DBORINGSSL_DIR and -DLSQUIC_DIR variables accordingly when calling cmake.


The ript_server and ript_client currently takes all the same parameters as the lsquic examples. A lot of nice features there to test HTTP/3 and QUIC paramters. Nice job you litespeedtech folks!