

<div align="right"> <a href="https://github.com/paldepind/projectdo/actions/workflows/makefile.yml"> <img src="https://github.com/paldepind/projectdo/actions/workflows/makefile.yml/badge.svg" /> </a> </div> <picture> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="docs/logo-dark.png"> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)" srcset="docs/logo-light.png"> <img alt="projectdo logo" src="docs/logo-light.png" height="120"> </picture>

Context-aware single-letter project commands to speed up your command-line workflow.



projectdo is a command-line program hat executes project actions (such as build, run, test, etc.) with the appropriate tool for current project in the working directory. The appropriate tool and the current project root is intelligently detected based on the context where projectdo is executed. For instance, projectdo test runs cargo test if a Cargo.toml is found and npm test if a package.json file is found.

By combining projectdo with shell aliases or shell abbreviations project commands can be run in any project with less typing. As an example, with the alias alias b='projectdo build' one can build any project simply by typing <kbd>b</kbd>+<kbd>enter</kbd>.


projectdo can be installed through a number of package managers or by manually downloading the shell script.


projectdo can be installed with Homebrew on macOS and Linux.

brew install paldepind/tap/projectdo

AUR (Arch Linux)

The AUR package can be installed manually or using an AUR helper.

yay -S projectdo


projectdo is not related to Node.js or JavaScript, but npm works perfectly fine for distributing shell scripts and can be a handy installation method if you're already using npm:

npm i -g projectdo

From source

Download the script and place it somewhere in your path. For instance if ~/bin is in your path:

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/paldepind/projectdo/main/projectdo -o ~/bin/projectdo
chmod +x ~/bin/projectdo

From repository

Clone the project repository:

git clone https://github.com/paldepind/projectdo; cd projectdo

Install it with this command:

make install

# Or to uninstall
make uninstall

Shell integration

For the Fish shell use the Fish plugin. For Bash and Zsh setup shell aliases.

Fish Plugin

projectdo ships with a plugin for the Fish shell. The plugin includes auto-completion and functions for use with Fish's abbreviation feature.

The Fish plugin can be installed manually or with Fisher:

fisher install paldepind/projectdo

The plugin exposes four shell functions that should be configured with abbreviations as desired. For instance:

abbr -a b --function projectdo_build
abbr -a r --function projectdo_run
abbr -a t --function projectdo_test
abbr -a p --function projectdo_tool

With the above t will expand to cargo test, p will expand to cargo, etc. depending on the project.

Note that you need to have the script in your path in order for the Fish plugin to work!


projectdo can be configured with shell aliases in any shell. For instance:

alias t='projectdo test'
alias r='projectdo run'
alias b='projectdo build'
alias p='projectdo tool'


Note: When executed with the -d flag projectdo performs a dry run and only prints information about what it would do without actually doing anything. It is a good idea to do a dry run when using projectdo in a project for the first time to verify that it does the right thing.

Usage: projectdo [options] [action] [tool-arguments]
  -h, --help             Display this help.
  -n, -d, --dry-run      Do not execute any commands with side-effects.
  -q, --quiet            Do not print commands as they are about to be executed.
  -v, --version          Display the version of the program.

  build, run, test       Build, run, or test the current project.
  tool                   Invoke the guessed tool for the current project.

Tool arguments:
  Any arguments following [action] are passed along to the invoked tool.

Supported tools and languages

Note: If a tool you are interested in is not supported please open an issue or a pull request.

ToolLanguageDetected byCommands
CargoRustCargo.tomlcargo build <br/> cargo run <br/> cargo test
PoetryPythonpyproject.toml with [tool.poetry]poetry build <br/> run n/a <br/> poetry run pytest
CMakeC, C++ and Obj-CCMakeLists.txtcmake --build . --target test
MesonC, C++, etc.meson.buildmeson compile <br/> run n/a <br/> meson test
npmJavaScript, etc.package.jsonnpm build <br/> npm start <br/> npm test
yarnJavaScript, etc.package.json and yarn.lockyarn build <br/> yarn start <br/> yarn test
pnpmJavaScript, etcpackage.json and pnpm-lock.yamlpnpm build <br/> pnpm start <br/> pnpm test
MavenJava, etc.pom.xmlmvn compile <br/> run n/a <br/> mvn test
LeiningenClojureproject.cljlein test
CabalHaskell*.cabalcabal build <br/> cabal run <br/> cabal test
StackHaskellstack.yamlstack build <br/> stack run <br/> stack test
makeAnyMakefilemake <br/> make test/check
MageGomagefile.go with a test/check targetmage test/check
GoGogo.modgo test
TectonicLaTeXTectonic.tomltectonic -X build
.NETC# and F#*.csproj, *.fsproj or *.slndotnet build <br/> dotnet run <br/> dotnet test
Shell scriptAnybuild.shsh -c build.sh