

Δ dffptch.js

A micro library for diffing and patching JSON objects using a compact diff format.


If your JavaScript client is sending a lot of updates to your backend – as it might in a collaborative app, a real-time game or a continously saving app – transfering the entire changed JSON wastes a lot of bandwidth. dffptch.js makes sending only the changes in a compact format very easy.


var rabbit = {
  name: 'Thumper',
  color: 'grey',
  age: 2,
  bestFriend: 'bambi',
  foodNotes: {
    grassHay: 'his primary food'
// We make some changes to our rabbit
var updatedRabbit = {
  name: 'Thumper', // Still the same name
  color: 'grey and white', // He is white as well
  age: 3, // He just turned three!
  // we delete `bestFriend` – Thumper has many friends and he likes them equally
  foodNotes: {
    grassHay: 'his primary food', // Grass hay is still solid food for a rabbit
    carrots: 'he likes them a lot' // He also likes carrots
var delta = diff(rabbit, updatedRabbit);
// Delta is now a compact diff representing 1 deletion, 2 modifications and 1
// nested added property. The diff format might look odd, but is actually very
// simple as explained below.
                 {"d": ["1"],
                  "m": {"0": 3, "2": "grey and white"},
                  "r": {"3": {"a": {"carrots": "he likes them a lot"}}}


Compared to other diff & patch libraries


bower install dffptch


npm install dffptch

How the diff format works

The diff format is an object with up to four properties. a is an object representing added properties. Each key is the name of a property and each value is the value assigned to the property. m is a similar object but for modified properties and with shortened keys. d is an array with deleted properties as elements. r contains all changes to nested objects and arrays, it recursively contains the four properties as well for the nested object.

An example

  a: {foo: 'bar'}, // One added property
  m: {'3': 'hello'}, // One modified property
  d: ['5'], // One deleted property
  r: {'3': { ... }} Changes to one nested object

In m, d and r the property names are shortened to single characters. The algorithm works like this: The keys in the original object are sorted, giving each key a unique number. The number is converted to a character using JavaScripts String.fromCharCode with an offset so the first key is assigned to the char '1' (this avoids the characters '/' and '' that require escaping in JSON.

So for this object

  foo: 'bar',
  sample: 'object',
  an: 'example'

we'd get the sorted keys ['an', 'foo', 'sample'] and thus an whould be shortened to '1', foo to '2' and sample to 3. There are a lot of unicode characters so this approach is safe no matter how many properties your objects have.

Browser support

dffptch.js is environment independent (neither Node nor a browser is required). It does however use the two ECMAScript 5 functions Object.keys and Array.prototype.map. If you require support for < IE9 you should polyfill those functions (splendid polyfills are included in the MDN links above).


The differences generated by dffptch.js can only take you from a to b. Not from b to a. This is by design and is necessary for the compact format.

dffptch.js handles arrays as it handles objects. Order is not taken into account. If you're changing elements or append to an array this is not an issue. However, if you're reordering or inserting elements the diffs will be suboptimal. Finding the shortest edit distance in an ordered and possibly nested collection whould complicate dffptch.js significantly with little benefit. Simply flattening your data before feeding it to dffptch.js avoids the problem.


dffptch.js is made by Simon Friis Vindum. But copyright declarations wastes bandwidth. thus dffptch.js is public domain or WTFPL or CC0. Do what you want but please follow me on Twitter or give a GitHub star if you feel like it.