Amazon EKS workshop walkthrough repository.
This is a collection of Amazon EKS popular topics and assets aimed to help you successfully build your Amazon EKS workload.
Getting Started - create cluster
Options to create your own Amazon EKS environment:
Create your EKS Cluster with eksctl - A super powerful Amazon EKS CLI.
aws-samples/amazon-eks-refarch-cloudformation - Reference architecture of Amazon EKS with modern cloudformation templates. Create the
ofmixed instance types
andpurchase options
by simplymake create-eks-cluster
. -
Create EKS cluster and managed nodegroup with AWS CDK by aws-samples/amazon-eks-refarch-cloudformation
Basic Administration
Working with kubectl for basic administrations
Amazon EKS with AWS Fargate
Amazon EKS and AWS Fargate with alb-ingress-controller
Creating Services
ClusterIP, NodePort and LoadBalancer
Ingress Options
ALB Ingress Controller(GitHub)
Traefik Ingress(official doc|walkthrough)
Nginx Ingress(github)
NLB+Nginx Ingress(AWS blogpost)
HAProxy Kubernetes Ingress(official doc|github)
Kong Ingress(github)
Development with Amazon EKS
Create your 1st app from scratch and deploy into Amazon EKS
AWS CDK with Amazon EKS
CDK samples from aws-samples/amazon-eks-refarch-cloudformation
Helm and Charts
EKS and EC2 Spot Block with AWS CDK
💥 pahud/eks-spot
Spot and Lambda Integration
awslabs/amazon-eks-serverless-drainer - Amazon EKS node drainer with AWS Lambda
Blog - Interacting with EKS via Lambda by @nbrandaleone
Storage(PV, PVC and StatefulSet)
Kubernetes Dashboard
Affinity and Anti-Affinity
Taint and Toleration
Cordon and Uncordon
HPA(Horizontal Pod Autoscaling) - a batch or job optimized horizontal autoscaler for Kubernetes
Log Consolidation
Fluentd integration
Amazon EKS with AWS CodeBuild integration
💥Amazon EKS Canary Deployment with AWS App Mesh and AWS Step Function
Amazon EKS Continuous Deployment Sample using AWS CodePipeline
Automate Kubernetes deployment on Amazon EKS with
Blog - Continuous Delivery with Amazon EKS and Jenkins X
💥 Create 12 EKS clusters in parallel one for each in different regions with Codepipeline
cross region capabilities(demo tweet and cfn template)
Service Discovery
ExternalDNS and Route53 Auto Naming API
Service Mesh
💥Amazon EKS Canary Deployment with AWS App Mesh and AWS Step Function
Installing Istio 1.x on Amazon EKS
Blog - Getting Started with Istio on Amazon EKS -
How to integrate AWS ALB with istio v1.0 by Chuan-Yen Chiang -
CloudWatch Events Integration
CloudWatch Events scheduled kubectl execution from within AWS Fargate(Tweet)
Amazon EKS and AWS Lambda Integration
aws-samples/lambda-layer-kubectl - AWS Lambda layer for kubectl - Run kubectl
command in AWS Lambda
Amazon EKS and CloudWatch Integration
K8s Cloudwatch Adapter - and subscribe this issue in AWS container public roadmap.
Cloudwatch Container Insights - monitoring kubernetes resources
Multiple EKS clusters sharing single VPC and ALB - (tweet|architecture)
Public References
SkyScanner: Building Highly-Available, Multi-Region Kubernetes Clusters on 100% Amazon EC2 Spot(Youtube)