

IO Functions for Services

This project implements the APIs called by the 3rd party services. The implementation is based on the Azure Functions v2 runtime.


The project is structured as follows:



Install the Azure Functions Core Tools.

Install the dependencies:

yarn install

Create a file local.settings.json in your cloned repo, with the following contents:

  "IsEncrypted": false,
  "Values": {
    "AzureWebJobsStorage": "<JOBS_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING>",
    "MESSAGE_CONTAINER_NAME": "message-content",
    "MAIL_FROM_DEFAULT": "IO - l’app dei servizi pubblici <no-reply@io.italia.it>",
    "QueueStorageConnection": "<QUEUES_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING>",
    "SUBSCRIPTIONS_FEED_TABLE": "SubscriptionsFeedByDay"
  "ConnectionStrings": {}

Starting the functions runtime

yarn start

The server should reload automatically when the code changes.

Run Integration Tests locally

To start itegration tests:

cd __integrations__
cp environments/env.base environments/.env
yarn start 
docker exec integrations__-testagent_1 yarn test

To stop docker containers:

cd __integrations__
yarn stop