<p align="center"><img src=""></p> <h1 align="center">PyPackerDetect <a href="'s%20signatures%20database.%0D%0Ahttps%3a%2f%2fgithub%2ecom%2fpacking-box%2fPyPackerDetect%0D%0A&hashtags=python,pe,peid,packer,packingdetection"><img src="" alt="Tweet" height="20"/></a></h1> <h3 align="center">Detect packers on PE files using heuristics and signatures.</h3>A complete refactoring of this project to a Python package with a console script to detect whether an executable is packed.
pefile is used for PE parsing. peid is used as implementation of PEiD.
$ pip install pypackerdetect
$ pypackerdetect --help
usage examples:
- pypackerdetect program.exe
- pypackerdetect program.exe -b
- pypackerdetect program.exe --low-imports --unknown-sections
- pypackerdetect program.exe --imports-threshold 5 --bad-sections-threshold 5
:bulb: Detection Mechanisms
- PEID signatures
- Known packer section names
- Entrypoint in non-standard section
- Threshhold of non-standard sections reached
- Low number of imports
- Overlapping entrypoint sections
:star: Related Projects
You may also like these:
- Awesome Executable Packing: A curated list of awesome resources related to executable packing.
- Bintropy: Analysis tool for estimating the likelihood that a binary contains compressed or encrypted bytes (inspired from this paper).
- Dataset of packed ELF files: Dataset of ELF samples packed with many different packers.
- Dataset of packed PE files: Dataset of PE samples packed with many different packers (fork of this repository).
- Docker Packing Box: Docker image gathering packers and tools for making datasets of packed executables.
- DSFF: Library implementing the DataSet File Format (DSFF).
- PEiD: Python implementation of the well-known Packed Executable iDentifier (PEiD).
- REMINDer: Packing detector using a simple heuristic (inspired from this paper).