


<p align="center"> <img src=https://github.com/packetsifter/packetsifterTool/blob/main/screenshots/logo-nobackground-500.png></img> </p>

What is PacketSifter?

PacketSifter is a tool to perform batch processing of PCAP data to uncover potential IOCs.<br> Simply initializePacketSifter with your desired integrations (VirusTotal, AbuseIPDB) and pass PacketSifter a pcap and the desired switches and PacketSifter will sift through the data and generate several output files. <br> <br> Note Please run AbuseIPDBInitial.sh and VTInitial.sh prior to using their corresponding switches or the integrations will not work

<br><b>05/27/2021</b></br> PacketSifter has been revamped to allow a more streamlined interaction with the user. Simply download the new updated packetsifter.sh, run ./packetsifter -h and learn how to properly use the new PacketSifter!


Ross Burke (Twitter @packetsifter)

How it works

Simply pass PacketSifter your pcap to analyze along with your desired flags and let PacketSifter do the work for you!


root@ubuntu:~# ./packetsifter -i /tmp/testing.pcap -a -r -v

Command Line Options

OPTIONS: <ul> <li> -a   enable abuseipdb lookups of IP addresses in DNS A records </li> <li> -h   print help </li> <li> -i   input file [Required] </li> <li> -r   resolve hostnames in pcap [Can result in DNS queries to attacker infrastructure] </li> <li> -v   enable VirusTotal lookup of exported SMB/HTTP objects </li> </ul>


tshark - https://tshark.dev/setup/install/


Currently, PacketSifter generates the following pcaps:<br>

<ul> <li>http.pcap - All conversations containing port 80, 8080, or 8000</li> <li>smb.pcap - All conversations categorized by tshark dissectors as NBSS, SMB, or SMB2 </li> <li>dns.pcap - All conversations categorized by tshark dissectors as DNS</li> <li>ftp.pcap - All conversations categorized by tshark dissectors as FTP</li> </ul> <br> Currently, PacketSifter generates the following text files: <ul> <li>IOstatistics.txt - Protocol Hierarchy and Input/Output broken up in 30 second intervals (useful to find potential beaconing)</li> <li>IPstatistics.txt - Overall stats to/from endpoints over IP and individual conversations over IP </li> <li>TCPstatistics - Overall stats to/from endpoints over TCP and individual TCP conversations broken down. <<Warning>> This file can contain a large amount of information. It is recommended to use less or grep for a conversation in question.</li> <li>http_info.txt - Statistical data about HTTP conversations</li> <li>hostnamesResolved.txt (optional) - Resolved hostnames observed in pcap. <<Warning>> This can result in DNS queries for attacker infrastructure. Proceed with caution!! <li>SMBstatistics.txt - Stats on commands ran using smb or smb2 </li> <li>dnsARecords.txt - DNS A query/responses </li> <li>dnsTXTRecords.txt - DNS TXT query/responses </li> <li>errors.txt - trash file </li> </ul> <br> VirusTotal Integration output text files (all optional): <ul> <li>httpHashToObject.txt - Text file containing md5 hash to object pairing for reference </li> <li>httpVTResults.txt - Text file containing results of md5 hash lookup of http objects via VirusTotal API </li> <li>smbHashToObject.txt - Text file containing md5 hash to object pairing for reference </li> <li>smbVTResults.txt - Text file containing results of md5 hash lookup of smb objects via VirusTotal API </li> </ul><br> AbuseIPDB Integration output text files (optional): <ul> <li>IPLookupResults.txt - Text file containing IP Geo-location + IP reputation results</li> </ul><br> Currently, PacketSifter generates the following tar.gz files: <ul> <li>httpObjects.tar.gz - HTTP objects observed in pcap. <<Warning>> There could be a lot of HTTP objects and you can potentially extract malicious http objects depending on the pcap. Use with caution!! </li> <li>smbObjects.tar.gz - SMB objects observed in pcap. There could be a lot of SMB objects and you can potentially extract malicious SMB objects depending on the pcap. Use with caution!! </li> </ul>

VirusTotal Integration

PacketSifter can now perform hash lookups via VirusTotal API of exported objects found via SMB/HTTP.<br> <br> <b>Steps to configure PacketSifter with VirusTotal integration:</b><br> <br>

  1. Ensure you have jq (https://stedolan.github.io/jq/download/) installed. <br>

     root@ubuntu:~# apt-get install jq
  2. Ensure you have curl installed. <br>

      root@ubuntu:~# apt-get install curl
<br> 3. Download the new version of packetsifter.sh and the new script VTInitial.sh <br> 4. Run VTInitial.sh in the same folder as packetsifter.sh and supply your 64 character alphanumeric VirusTotal API Key when prompted <br> &emsp;For instructions on how to obtain a free VirusTotal API Key https://developers.virustotal.com/reference <br> <br> <b> Successful output of VTInitial.sh is shown below: </b> <img src=https://github.com/packetsifter/packetsifterTool/blob/main/screenshots/VTSuccess.png></img> <br> 5. Run PacketSifter with the -v flag to enable VirusTotal lookups of exported HTTP and SMB objects. <br> <br> <b>Successful output of VirusTotal integration and subsequent generated httpVTResults.txt / smbVTResults.txt shown below: </b> <img src=https://github.com/packetsifter/packetsifterTool/blob/main/screenshots/VTOutput.png></img>

AbuseIPDB Integration

PacketSifter can perform IP Geo-location + IP reputation lookups of IP addresses returned in DNS A Records. <br> <br> <b>Steps to configure PacketSifter with AbuseIPDB integration:</b><br> <br>

  1. Ensure you have jq (https://stedolan.github.io/jq/download/) installed. <br>

     root@ubuntu:~# apt-get install jq
  2. Ensure you have curl installed. <br>

      root@ubuntu:~# apt-get install curl
<br> 3. Download the new version of packetsifter.sh and the new script AbuseIPDBInitial.sh <br> 4. Run AbuseIPDBInitial.sh in the same folder as packetsifter.sh and supply your 80 character alphanumeric AbuseIPDB API Key when prompted. <br> &emsp;For instructions on how to obtain a free AbuseIPDB API Key https://www.abuseipdb.com/register <br> <br> **AbuseIPDB free API keys have a limit of 1000 lookups a day** <br> <b> Successful output of AbuseIPDBInitial.sh is shown below: </b> <img src=https://github.com/packetsifter/packetsifterTool/blob/main/screenshots/AbuseIPDBInitialSuccess.png></img> <br> 5. Run PacketSifter with the -a flag to enable lookups on DNS A records via AbuseIPDB. <br> <br> <b>Successful output of AbuseIPDB integration and subsequent generated IPLookupResults.txt shown below: </b> <br> **Confidence Score is on a 0-100 percent confidence scale** <br> <img src=https://github.com/packetsifter/packetsifterTool/blob/main/screenshots/IPLookupResults.png></img>


Reach out if you have suggestions as to what else you'd like sifted or what else could be useful for the tool.