

<p align="center"> <img src="https://pac4j.github.io/pac4j/img/logo-j2e.png" width="300" /> </p>

This jee-pac4j-cdi-demo project is a JavaEE web application to test the jee-pac4j security library with various authentication mechanisms: Facebook, Twitter, form, basic auth, CAS, SAML, OpenID Connect, JWT...

Start and test

Build the project and launch the web app via the Payara Server on http://localhost:8080 with either the payara-micro maven plugin or embedded-payara plugin:

cd jee-pac4j-cdi-demo
mvn clean package payara-micro:start


cd jee-pac4j-cdi-demo
mvn clean package embedded-payara:run

To test, you can call a protected URL by clicking on the "Protected url by xxx" link, which will start the authentication process with the xxx provider.