Set of Swift extensions for standard types and classes.
Because of Xcode errors it's not possible to integrate this project with Cocoapods or as Embedded Framework. Read more at Dev Forum
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- Add ExSwift as a submodule
- Open the
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components.takeFirst() { $0.completed }
Examples in the Wiki
Instance Methods
Name | Signature |
first | first () -> Element? |
last | last () -> Element? |
get | get (index: Int) -> Element? |
remove | remove <U: Equatable> (element: U) |
at | at (indexes: Int...) -> Array |
take | take (n: Int) -> Array |
takeWhile | takeWhile (condition: (Element) -> Bool) -> Array |
takeFirst | takeFirst (condition: (Element) -> Bool) -> Element? |
tail | tail (n: Int) -> Array |
skip | skip (n: Int) -> Array |
skipWhile | skipWhile (condition: (Element) -> Bool) -> Array |
contains | contains <T: Equatable> (item: T...) -> Bool |
difference | difference <T: Equatable> (values: [T]...) -> [T] |
intersection | intersection <U: Equatable> (values: [U]...) -> Array |
union | union <U: Equatable> (values: [U]...) -> Array |
unique | unique <T: Equatable> () -> [T] |
indexOf | indexOf <T: Equatable> (item: T) -> Int? |
indexOf | indexOf (condition: Element -> Bool) -> Int? |
lastIndexOf | lastIndexOf <T: Equatable> (item: T) -> Int? |
zip | zip (arrays: Array<Any>...) -> [[Any?]] |
partition | partition (var n: Int, var step: Int? = nil) -> [Array] <br>partition (var n: Int, var step: Int? = nil, pad: Element[]?) -> [Array] |
partitionAll | partitionAll (var n: Int, var step: Int? = nil) -> [Array] |
partitionBy | partitionBy <T: Equatable> (cond: (Element) -> T) -> [Array] |
shuffle | shuffle () |
shuffled | shuffled () -> Array |
sample (random) | sample (size n: Int = 1) -> [T] |
max | max <T: Comparable> () -> T |
min | min <T: Comparable> () -> T |
each | each (call: (Element) -> ()) <br>each (call: (Int, Element) -> ()) |
eachRight | eachRight (call: (Element) -> ()) <br>eachRight (call: (Int, Element) -> ()) |
any | any (call: (Element) -> Bool) -> Bool |
all | all (call: (Element) -> Bool) -> Bool |
reject | reject (exclude: (Element -> Bool)) -> Array |
pop | pop() -> Element |
push | push(newElement: Element) |
shift | shift() -> Element |
unshift | unshift(newElement: Element) |
insert | insert (newArray: Array, atIndex: Int) |
groupBy | groupBy <U> (groupingFunction group: (Element) -> (U)) -> [U: Array] |
countBy | countBy <U> (groupingFunction group: (Element) -> (U)) -> [U: Int] |
countWhere | countWhere (test: (Element) -> Bool) -> Int |
reduce | reduce (combine: (Element, Element) -> Element) -> Element? |
reduceRight | reduceRight <U>(initial: U, combine: (U, Element) -> U) -> U |
mapFilter | mapFilter <V> (mapFunction map: (Element) -> (V)?) -> [V] |
implode | implode <C: ExtensibleCollection> (separator: C) -> C? |
flatten | flatten <OutType> () -> [OutType] |
flattenAny | flattenAny () -> [AnyObject] |
toDictionary | toDictionary <U> (keySelector:(Element) -> U) -> [U: Element] |
toDictionary | toDictionary <K, V> (transform: (Element) -> (key: K, value: V)?) -> [K: V] |
cycle | cycle (n: Int? = nil, block: (T) -> ()) |
bSearch | bSearch (block: (T) -> (Bool)) -> T? |
bSearch | bSearch (block: (T) -> (Int)) -> T? |
sortUsing | sortUsing<U:Comparable>(block: ((T) -> U)) -> [T] |
transposition | transposition (array: [[T]]) -> [[T]] |
permutation | permutation (length: Int) -> [[T]] |
repeatedPermutation | repeatedPermutation(length: Int) -> [[T]] |
combination | combination (length: Int) -> [[Element]] |
repeatedCombination | repeatedCombination (length: Int) -> [[Element]] |
Class Methods
Name | Signatures |
range | range <U: ForwardIndex> (range: Range<U>) -> Array<U> |
Name | Signature | Function |
- | - <T: Equatable> (first: Array<T>, second: Array<T>) -> Array<T> | Difference |
- | - <T: Equatable> (first: Array<T>, second: T) -> Array<T> | Element removal |
& | & <T: Equatable> (first: Array<T>, second: Array<T>) -> Array<T> | Intersection |
<code>|</code> | <code>| <T: Equatable> (first: Array<T>, second: Array<T>) -> Array<T></code> | Union |
* Int | * <ItemType> (array: ItemType[], n: Int) -> [ItemType] | Returns a new array built by concatenating int copies of self |
* String | * (array: String[], separator: String) -> String | Equivalent to array.implode(String) |
[rangeAsArray: x..y] <br>[rangeAsArray: x...y] | subscript(#rangeAsArray: Range<Int>) -> Array | Returns the sub-array from index x to index y |
[x, y, ...] | subscript(first: Int, second: Int, rest: Int...) -> Array | Returns the items at x, y |
Examples in the Wiki
Name |
NSTimeInterval years |
NSTimeInterval year |
NSTimeInterval days |
NSTimeInterval day |
NSTimeInterval hours |
NSTimeInterval hour |
NSTimeInterval minutes |
NSTimeInterval minute |
NSTimeInterval seconds |
NSTimeInterval second |
Instance Methods
Name | Signatures |
times | times <T> (call: (Int) -> T) <br>times <T> (call: () -> T) <br>times (call: () -> ()) |
isEven | isEven () -> Bool |
isOdd | idOdd () -> Bool |
upTo | upTo (limit: Int, call: (Int) -> ()) |
downTo | downTo (limit: Int, call: (Int) -> ()) |
clamp | clamp (range: Range<Int>) -> Int <br>clamp (min: Int, max: Int) -> Int |
isIn | isIn (range: Range<Int>, strict: Bool = false) -> Bool |
digits | digits () -> Array<Int> |
abs | abs () -> Int |
gcd | gcd (n: Int) -> Int |
lcm | lcm (n: Int) -> Int |
Class Methods
Name | Signatures |
random | random(min: Int = 0, max: Int) -> Int |
Examples in the Wiki
Instance Methods
Name | Signature |
abs | abs () -> Float |
sqrt | sqrt () -> Float |
round | round () -> Float |
ceil | ceil () -> Float |
floor | floor () -> Float |
clamp | clamp (min: Float, _ max: Float) -> Float |
Class Methods
Name | Signatures |
random | random(min: Float = 0, max: Float) -> Float |
Examples in the Wiki
Name |
length |
capitalized |
Instance Methods
Name | Signature |
explode | explode (separator: Character) -> [String] |
at | at (indexes: Int...) -> [String] |
matches | matches (pattern: String, ignoreCase: Bool = false) -> [NSTextCheckingResult]? |
insert | insert (index: Int, _ string: String) -> String |
ltrimmed | ltrimmed () -> String |
ltrimmed | ltrimmed (set: NSCharacterSet) -> String |
rtrimmed | rtrimmed () -> String |
rtrimmed | rtrimmed (set: NSCharacterSet) -> String |
trimmed | trimmed () -> String |
rtrimmed | rtrimmed (set: NSCharacterSet) -> String |
toDouble | toDouble() -> Double? |
toFloat | toFloat() -> Float? |
toUInt | toUInt() -> UInt? |
toBool | toBool() -> Bool? |
toDate | toDate(format : String? = "yyyy-MM-dd") -> NSDate? |
toDateTime | toDateTime(format : String? = "yyyy-MM-dd hh-mm-ss") -> NSDate? |
Class Methods
Name | Signature |
random | func random (var length len: Int = 0, charset: String = "...") -> String |
Name | Signature |
[x] | subscript(index: Int) -> String? |
[x..y] <br>[x...y] | subscript(range: Range<Int>) -> String |
[x, y, z] | subscript (indexes: Int...) -> [String] |
S * n | * (first: String, second: Int) -> String |
=~ | =~ (string: String, pattern: String) -> Bool <br>=~ (string: String, options: (pattern: String, ignoreCase: Bool)) -> Bool <br>=~ (strings: [String], pattern: String) -> Bool <br>=~ (strings: [String], options: (pattern: String, ignoreCase: Bool)) -> Bool |
<code>|~</code> | <code>|~ (string: String, pattern: String) -> Bool</code><br><code>|~ (string: String, options: (pattern: String, ignoreCase: Bool)) -> Bool</code> |
Examples in the Wiki
Instance Methods
Name | Signatures |
times | times (call: (T) -> ()) <br>times (call: () -> ()) |
each | each (call: (T) -> ()) |
toArray | toArray () -> [T] |
Class Methods
Name | Signature |
random | random (from: Int, to: Int) -> Range<Int> |
Name | Signature | Function |
= | == <U: ForwardIndex> (first: Range<U>, second: Range<U>) -> Bool | Compares 2 ranges |
Examples in the Wiki
Instance Methods
Name | Signatures |
difference | difference <V: Equatable> (dictionaries: [Key: V]...) -> [Key: V] |
union | union (dictionaries: [Key: Value]...) -> [Key: Value] |
intersection | intersection <K, V where K: Equatable, V: Equatable> (dictionaries: [K: V]...) -> [K: V] |
has | has (key: Key) -> Bool |
map | map <K, V> (mapFunction map: (Key, Value) -> (K, V)) -> [K: V] |
mapFilter | mapFilter <K, V> (mapFunction map: (Key, Value) -> (K, V)?) -> [K: V] |
mapValues | mapValues <V> (mapFunction map: (Key, Value) -> (V)) -> [Key: V] |
mapFilterValues | mapFilterValues <V> (mapFunction map: (Key, Value) -> V?) -> [Key: V] |
each | each(eachFunction each: (Key, Value) -> ()) |
filter | filter(testFunction test: (Key, Value) -> Bool) -> [Key: Value] |
merge | merge (dictionaries: [Key: Value]...) -> [Key: Value] |
shift | shift () -> (Key, Value) |
groupBy | groupBy <T> (groupingFunction group: (Key, Value) -> (T)) -> [T: Array<Value>] |
countBy | countBy <T> (groupingFunction group: (Key, Value) -> (T)) -> [T: Int] |
countWhere | countWhere (test: (Key, Value) -> (Bool)) -> Int |
any | any (test: (Key, Value) -> (Bool)) -> Bool |
all | all (test: (Key, Value) -> (Bool)) -> Bool |
reduce | reduce <U> (initial: U, combine: (U, Element) -> U) -> U |
pick , at | pick (keys: [Key]) -> Dictionary <br>pick (keys: Key...) -> Dictionary <br>at (keys: Key...) -> Dictionary |
toArray | toArray <V> (mapFunction map: (Key, Value) -> V) -> [V] |
Name | Signature | Function |
- | - <K, V: Equatable> (first: Dictionary<K, V>, second: Dictionary<K, V>) -> Dictionary<K, V> | Difference |
& | & <K, V: Equatable> (first: Dictionary<K, V>, second: Dictionary<K, V>) -> Dictionary<K, V> | Intersection |
<code>|</code> | <code>| <K, V: Equatable> (first: Dictionary<K, V>, second: Dictionary<K, V>) -> Dictionary<K, V></code> | Union |
Examples in the Wiki
Instance Methods
Name | Signatures |
cast | cast <OutType> () -> [OutType] |
flatten | flatten <OutType> () -> [OutType] |
flattenAny | flattenAny () -> [AnyObject] |
The following operations can be performed on sequences and are evaluated lazily. Each operation only takes the data it requires from the source sequence in order to return its result.
The Sequence
protocol cannot be extended, hence the following are extensions to SequenceOf
. They can be used as follows:
var source: Sequence = ...
var filteredSequence = SequenceOf(source).filter { ... }
Instance Methods
Name | Signatures |
first | first () -> T? |
any | any (call: (T) -> Bool) -> Bool |
get | get (index: Int) -> T? |
get | get (range: Range<Int>) -> SequenceOf<T> |
indexOf | indexOf <U: Equatable> (item: U) -> Int? |
filter | filter(include: (T) -> Bool) -> SequenceOf<T> |
reject | reject (exclude: (T -> Bool)) -> SequenceOf<T> |
skipWhile | skipWhile(condition:(T) -> Bool) -> SequenceOf<T> |
skip | skip (n:Int) -> SequenceOf<T> |
contains | contains<T:Equatable> (item: T) -> Bool |
take | take (n:Int) -> SequenceOf<T> |
takeWhile | takeWhile (condition:(T?) -> Bool) -> SequenceOf<T> |
Examples in the Wiki
Instance Methods
Name | Signature |
abs | abs () -> Double |
sqrt | sqrt () -> Double |
round | round () -> Double |
ceil | ceil () -> Double |
floor | floor () -> Double |
clamp | clamp (min: Double, _ max: Double) -> Double |
roundToNearest | roundToNearest(increment: Double) -> Double |
Class Methods
Name | Signatures |
random | random(min: Double = 0, max: Double) -> Double |
Name | Signatures |
year | Int |
month | Int |
weekday | Int |
weekMonth | Int |
days | Int |
hours | Int |
minutes | Int |
seconds | Int |
Instance Methods
Name | Signatures |
add | add(seconds:Int=0, minutes:Int = 0, hours:Int = 0, days:Int = 0, weeks:Int = 0, months:Int = 0, years:Int = 0) -> NSDate |
addSeconds | addSeconds (seconds:Int) -> NSDate |
addMinutes | addMinutes (minute:Int) -> NSDate |
addHours | addHours(hours:Int) -> NSDate |
addDays | addDays(days:Int) -> NSDate |
addWeeks | addWeeks(weeks:Int) -> NSDate |
addMonths | addMonths(months:Int) -> NSDate |
addYears | addYears(years:Int) -> NSDate |
isAfter | isAfter(date: NSDate) -> Bool |
isBefore | isBefore(date: NSDate) -> Bool |
getComponent | getComponent (component : NSCalendarUnit) -> Int |
Name | Signatures |
== | ==(lhs: NSDate, rhs: NSDate) -> Bool |
< | <(lhs: NSDate, rhs: NSDate) -> Bool |
> | >(lhs: NSDate, rhs: NSDate) -> Bool |
<= | <=(lhs: NSDate, rhs: NSDate) -> Bool |
>= | >=(lhs: NSDate, rhs: NSDate) -> Bool |
== | ==(lhs: NSDate, rhs: NSDate) -> Bool |
Examples in the Wiki
Class Methods
Name | Signatures |
after | after <P, T> (n: Int, function: P -> T) -> (P -> T?) <br>func after <T> (n: Int, function: () -> T) -> (() -> T?) |
once | once <P, T> (function: P -> T) -> (P -> T?) <br>once <T> (call: Void -> T) -> (Void -> T?) |
partial | partial <P, T> (function: (P...) -> T, _ parameters: P...) -> ((P...) -> T?) |
bind | bind <P, T> (function: (P...) -> T, _ parameters: P...) -> (() -> T) |
cached | cached <P, R> (function: P -> R) -> (P -> R) <br>cached <P, R> (function: (P...) -> R) -> ((P...) -> R) <br>cached <P, R> (function: (P...) -> R, hash: ((P...) -> P)) -> ((P...) -> R) |
Name | Signatures |
<=> | <=> <T: Comparable>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> Int |
To Do
- Wiki
- Xcode project for both iOS & OS X
- Review code comments
- Example project
- Installation instructions
- Benchmark