

Rust on the ESP32 of the MCH2022 badge

cargo generate --git https://github.com/esp-rs/esp-idf-template cargo
cd <project-name>
cargo espflash ESP32 save-image main.bin
webusb_push.py --run rust main.bin


Example code

Known issues

Dev Containers

This repository offers ready-to-use devlopment environments via Dev Containers for:


In order to use GitHub Codespaces the project needs to be published in a GitHub repository and the user needs to be part of the Codespaces beta or have the project under an organization.

If using VS Code or GitHub Codespaces, you can pull the image instead of building it from the Dockerfile by selecting the image property instead of build in .devcontainer/devcontainer.json. Further customization of the Dev Container can be achived, see .devcontainer.json reference.

When using Dev Containers, some tooling to facilitate building, flashing and simulating in Wokwi is also added.



At the momment there is no way to flash the Badge from the containers

Wokwi Simulation

When using a custom Wokwi project, please change the WOKWI_PROJECT_ID in run-wokwi.sh. If no project id is specified, a DevKit for esp32 will be used.


ESP32-S3 is not available in Wokwi


The simulation will pause if the browser tab is in the background.This may affect the execution, specially when debuging.

Debuging with Wokwi

Wokwi offers debugging with GDB.