


Build Status Code Style: Blue

<a href="https://twitter.com/kangadac/status/1410817287695650824"><img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1790822/124236175-7003e900-db16-11eb-885f-eb5bedaa98c5.jpg" width="500" alt="by David Cuthbert (@Kangadac)"/></a>

AWS Infinidash Interface for Julia.

This package wraps up the standard Infinidash SDK from AWS.jl in to a more idiomatic Julia interface.

Right now it is still very bare bones. PRs welcome!


julia> using AWSInfinidash

julia> i8h
#1 (generic function with 1 method)

julia> I8h

Planned Features

Be aware:

Infinidash is not a real product. It is an elaborate joke, making fun of today's tech landscape. Mocking how a new framework or service comes out every other day. And it's just a incomprehensible collection of buzzwords and hype. Infinidash is a in-joke, but hey so are a lot of real products. By reading this you are now also in on the joke ☺️