

ONT-MAP - an OWL2 ontology to ontology data mapper (builder and inference engine).


ONT-MAP provides a convenient way to build a mapping between two OWL2 ontologies and also an inference-engine to transfer and transform the ontological data in accordance with that mapping and OWL2 schemas. The mapping can be serialized as a SPIN-rules RDF file, and, therefore, is Topbraid Composer compatible.


Pure SPIN, which is an RDF-superstructure over SPARQL, is a fairly complex language when it comes to mapping between ontologies, and it is incompatible with OWL-centric systems like OWL-API. ONT-MAP offers a way for building mappings without any knowledge about SPIN or SPARQL, just only through top-level operations and objects, which can be represented as some high-level pseudo-language, that is optimized for GUI developing.



Notes, propositions and examples