

<div align="center"> <h1> <img src="trout.jpg" alt="Trout" width="300"> <br> Trout </h1> </div> <p align="center"> <em>Type-Level Routing for PureScript</em> </p> <hr>

Trout is a Servant-style routing type API. By using routing types you get static guarantees about having handled all cases. You also get a lot of stuff for free, such as type-safe parameters for handlers, and automatically generated type-safe URIs to endpoints.

The primary use of Trout right now is for Hyper and the purescript-hypertrout server package. There is, however, nothing Hyper-specific about this package.


bower install --save purescript-trout

This package should get its own proper documentation soon. In the meantime, see purescript-hypertrout.

API Documentation

This library's API documentation is published on Pursuit.



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Logo credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Lake_Trout_GLERL.jpg