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This package will help you understand changes in your Eloquent models, by providing information about possible discrepancies and anomalies that could indicate business concerns or suspect activities.

Laravel Auditing allows you to keep a history of model changes by simply using a trait. Retrieving the audited data is straightforward, making it possible to display it in various ways.

Official Documentation

For more information on how to use the package, please refer to our official documentation available on laravel-auditing.com or in the repository documentation file. Our documentation provides detailed instructions on how to install and use the package, as well as examples and best practices for auditing in Laravel applications.

Thank you for choosing OwenIt\LaravelAuditing!

Version Information

VersionIlluminateStatusPHP Version
13.x7.x.x - 11.x.xActive support :rocket:> = 7.3 | 8.0
12.x6.x.x - 9.x.xEnd of life> = 7.3 | 8.0
11.x5.8.x - 8.x.xEnd of life> = 7.3
10.x5.8.x - 7.x.xEnd of life> = 7.2.5
9.x5.8.x - 6.x.xEnd of life> = 7.1.3
8.x5.2.x - 5.7.xEnd of life> = 7.0.13
7.x5.2.x - 5.6.xEnd of life> = 7.0.13
6.x5.2.x - 5.6.xEnd of life> = 7.0.13
5.x5.2.x - 5.5.xEnd of life> = 7.0.13
4.x5.2.x - 5.5.xEnd of life> = 5.5.9
3.x5.2.x - 5.4.xEnd of life> = 5.5.9
2.x5.1.x - 5.3.xEnd of life> = 5.5.9


Please see the contributing entry for more details.


Special thanks for keeping this project active.


The Laravel Auditing package is open source software licensed under the MIT LICENSE.