


by Owain R Hunt

UAGithubEngine is a wrapper around the Github API. Check out the API documentation for full details of what the API can do.

UAGithubEngine is compatible with Mac OS X 10.7 and above, and iOS 5.0.


The master branch is built on version 3 of the API, and uses up-to-date technologies such as blocks and ARC. Version 1 of UAGE, found in the branch v1, was built on version 2 of the API, and may be more suited to your uses if you need to support earlier versions of OS X or iOS. This branch is no longer under active development.

How do I use it?

Code speaks louder than words.

UAGithubEngine *engine = [[UAGithubEngine alloc] initWithUsername:@"aUser" password:@"aPassword" withReachability:YES];

[engine repositoriesWithSuccess:^(id response) { 
		NSLog(@"Got an array of repos: %@", obj); 
	} failure:^(NSError *error) { 
		NSLog(@"Oops: %@", error);

[engine user:@"this_guy" isCollaboratorForRepository:@"UAGithubEngine" success:^(BOOL collaborates) { 
		NSLog(@"%d", collaborates); 
	} failure:^(NSError *error){ 
		NSLog(@"D'oh: %@", error); 

Any questions, comments, improvements and so on, either open an issue, find me on Twitter (@orhunt) or send me an email (owain@underscoreapps.com).