

This repository contains the code associated to the DISCO Nets paper that can be found on arxiv.


If you use this work, please cite:

D. Bouchacourt, M. P. Kumar, S. Nowozin, "DISCO Nets: DISsimilarity COefficient Networks", NIPS 2016

Repository contents

Run a simple example :

The "example" folder allows you to use the DISCO Nets on the NYU Hand Pose dataset NYU Hand Pose dataset. Data should be pre-processed using the code from Markus Oberweger and require the installation of DeepPrior to load the data.

If you want to use a GPU, set up gpu = True and your gpu ID in the file hand_pose.py. To run the example, set up your parameters in the file train.py and run python train.py from your terminal.
