This repository contains the code associated to the DISCO Nets paper that can be found on arxiv.
Python + classic packages (numpy)
Chainer library for Python
If you use this work, please cite:
D. Bouchacourt, M. P. Kumar, S. Nowozin, "DISCO Nets: DISsimilarity COefficient Networks", NIPS 2016
Repository contents
- utils/ : define here additional scoring function if needed. We have implemented the \alpha -\beta norm with \alpha = 2 (as used in our experiment)
- examples/HandPoseEstimation/ : launching script
- examples/HandPoseEstimation/ : defines the DISCO Nets and runs training
- examples/HandPoseEstimation/ : testing utils specific to hand pose estimation
Run a simple example :
The "example" folder allows you to use the DISCO Nets on the NYU Hand Pose dataset NYU Hand Pose dataset. Data should be pre-processed using the code from Markus Oberweger and require the installation of DeepPrior to load the data.
If you want to use a GPU, set up gpu = True and your gpu ID in the file To run the example, set up your parameters in the file and run python from your terminal.
- beta : same as in the paper.
- seed : random seed to initialise the network weights. All biases are initialised to 0.
- alpha : dissimilarity coefficient hyper-parameter, referred as gamma in the paper.
- C : weight decay
- savedir : folder to save the model + monitored values at each iteration
- datadir : folder to find the data, in the NYU Hand Pose example "../"
- nrand : size of the noise vector
- finger_w : used in our fingers experiment, leave it to 1.0 if you want to consider all 5 fingers
- fingers : used in our fingers experiment, leave it to the full list of fingers if you want to consider all 5 fingers