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<br/> <br/> <div align="center"> <h2>Laravel IDoc - The API Documentation Generator</h2> <p>Automatically generate an interactive API documentation from your existing Laravel routes. Take a look at the <a target="_blank" href="https://redocly.github.io/redoc/">example documentation</a>. Inspired by <a href="https://github.com/mpociot/laravel-apidoc-generator">Laravel Api Documentation Generator</a></p> </div> <br/> <br/>


Laravel IDoc generator (interactive documentation generator) is a seamless and complete plugin for generating API documentation from your Laravel's codebase. It is inspired by the laravel-apidoc-generator, ReDoc and the Open API initiative from Swagger. IDoc has been built with extendability so that it can easily adapt with your use case.




Note: PHP 7 and Laravel 5.5 or higher are the minimum dependencies.

$ composer require ovac/idoc


Publish the config file by running:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=idoc-config

This will create an idoc.php file in your config folder.


$app->bind('path.public', function ($app) { return $app->basePath('../your-public-path'); });


$ php artisan idoc:generate


Before you can generate your documentation, you'll need to configure a few things in your config/idoc.php.

'path' => 'idoc',
'logo' => 'https://res.cloudinary.com/ovac/image/upload/h_300,w_380,c_fill,r_30,bo_20px_solid_white/aboust_ey5v1v.jpg',
'title' => 'iDoc API Reference',
'description' => 'iDoc Api secification and documentation.',
'contact' => [
        'name' => 'API Support',
        'email' => 'iamovac@gmail.com',
        'url' => 'http://www.ovac4u.com'
'license' => [
        'name' => 'MIT',
        'url' => 'https://github.com/ovac/idoc/blob/master/LICENSE.md'
'servers' => [
       'url' => 'https://www.ovac4u.com',
       'description' => 'App live server.',
       'url' => 'https://test.ovac4u.com',
       'description' => 'App test server.',
'external_description' => 'idoc.info', // Route name for external description, leave empty to use default description

Example usage:

'external_description' => 'idoc.info',
'security' => [
       'BearerAuth' => [
           'type' => 'http',
           'scheme' => 'bearer',
           'bearerFormat' => 'JWT',

For instance, suppose your configuration looks like this:

return [
     * The routes for which documentation should be generated.
     * Each group contains rules defining what routes should be included ('match', 'include' and 'exclude' sections)
     * and rules which should be applied to them ('apply' section).
    'routes' => [
             * Specify conditions to determine what routes will be parsed in this group.
             * A route must fulfill ALL conditions to pass.
            'match' => [

                 * Match only routes whose domains match this pattern (use * as a wildcard to match any characters).
                'domains' => [
                    // 'domain1.*',

                 * Match only routes whose paths match this pattern (use * as a wildcard to match any characters).
                'prefixes' => [

                 * Match only routes registered under this version. This option is ignored for Laravel router.
                 * Note that wildcards are not supported.
                'versions' => [


This means documentation will be generated for routes in all domains ('*' is a wildcard meaning 'any character') which match any of the patterns 'api/*' or 'v2-api/*', excluding the 'users.create' route and any routes whose names begin with admin., and including the 'users.index' route and any routes whose names begin with healthcheck.. (The versions key is ignored unless you are using Dingo router). Also, in the generated documentation, these routes will have the header 'Authorization: Bearer: {token}' added to the example requests.

You can also separate routes into groups to apply different rules to them:

return [
     'routes' => [
              'match' => [
                  'domains' => ['v1.*'],
                  'prefixes' => ['*'],
              'include' => [],
              'exclude' => [],
              'apply' => [
                  'headers' => [
                      'Token' => '{token}',
                      'Version' => 'v1',
              'match' => [
                  'domains' => ['v2.*'],
                  'prefixes' => ['*'],
              'include' => [],
              'exclude' => [],
              'apply' => [
                  'headers' => [
                      'Authorization' => 'Bearer: {token}',
                      'Api-Version' => 'v2',

With the configuration above, routes on the v1.* domain will have the Token and Version headers applied, while routes on the v2.* domain will have the Authorization and Api-Version headers applied.

Note: the include and exclude items are arrays of route names. THe * wildcard is supported. Note: If you're using DIngo router, the versions parameter is required in each route group. This parameter does not support wildcards. Each version must be listed explicitly,

To generate your API documentation, use the idoc:generate artisan command.

$ php artisan idoc:generate

It will generate documentation using your specified configuration.

Documenting your API

This package uses these resources to generate the API documentation:

Grouping endpoints

This package uses the HTTP controller doc blocks to create a table of contents and show descriptions for your API methods.

Using @group in a controller doc block creates a Group within the API documentation. All routes handled by that controller will be grouped under this group in the sidebar. The short description after the @group should be unique to allow anchor tags to navigate to this section. A longer description can be included below. Custom formatting and <aside> tags are also supported. (see the Documentarian docs)

Note: using @group is optional. Ungrouped routes will be placed in a "general" group.

Above each method within the controller you wish to include in your API documentation you should have a doc block. This should include a unique short description as the first entry. An optional second entry can be added with further information. Both descriptions will appear in the API documentation in a different format as shown below. You can also specify an @group on a single method to override the group defined at the controller level.

 * @group User management
 * APIs for managing users
class UserController extends Controller

	 * Create a user
	 * [Insert optional longer description of the API endpoint here.]
	 public function createUser()

	 * @group Account management
	 public function changePassword()


Specifying request parameters

To specify a list of valid parameters your API route accepts, use the @bodyParam, @queryParam and @pathParam annotations.

 * @group Items
class ItemController extends Controller

     * List items
     * Get a list of items.
     * @authenticated
     * @responseFile responses/items.index.json
     * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
    public function index()

     * Store item
     * Add a new item to the items collection.
     * @bodyParam name string required
     * The name of the item. Example: Samsung Galaxy s10
     * @bodyParam price number required
     * The price of the item. Example: 100.00
     * @authenticated
     * @response {
     *      "status": 200,
     *      "success": true,
     *      "data": {
     *          "id": 10,
     *          "price": 100.00,
     *          "name": "Samsung Galaxy s10"
     *      }
     * }
     * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
     * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
    public function store(Request $request)

     * Get item
     * Get item by it's unique ID.
     * @pathParam item integer required
     * The ID of the item to retrieve. Example: 10
     * @response {
     *      "status": 200,
     *      "success": true,
     *      "data": {
     *          "id": 10,
     *          "price": 100.00,
     *          "name": "Samsung Galaxy s10"
     *      }
     * }
     * @authenticated
     * @param  \App\Item  $item
     * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
    public function show(Item $item)

They will be included in the generated documentation text and example requests.

Result: Result

Note: a random value will be used as the value of each parameter in the example requests. If you'd like to specify an example value, you can do so by adding Example: your-example to the end of your description. For instance:

     * @pathParam location_id required The id of the location.
     * @queryParam user_id required The id of the user. Example: me
     * @queryParam page required The page number. Example: 4
     * @bodyParam user_id int required The id of the user. Example: 9
     * @bodyParam room_id string The id of the room.
     * @bodyParam forever boolean Whether to ban the user forever. Example: false

Note: You can also add the @bodyParam annotations to a \Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest subclass:

 * @bodyParam title string required The title of the post.
 * @bodyParam body string required The title of the post.
 * @bodyParam type string The type of post to create. Defaults to 'textophonious'.
 * @bodyParam author_id int the ID of the author
 * @bodyParam thumbnail image This is required if the post type is 'imagelicious'.
class MyRequest extends \Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest


public function createPost(MyRequest $request)
    // ...

Indicating auth status

You can use the @authenticated annotation on a method to indicate if the endpoint is authenticated. A field for authentication token will be made available and marked as required on the interractive documentation.

Providing an example response

You can provide an example response for a route. This will be displayed in the examples section. There are several ways of doing this.


You can provide an example response for a route by using the @response annotation with valid JSON:

 * @response {
 *  "id": 4,
 *  "name": "Jessica Jones",
 *  "roles": ["admin"]
 * }
public function show($id)
    return User::find($id);

Moreover, you can define multiple @response tags as well as the HTTP status code related to a particular response (if no status code set, 200 will be returned):

 * @response {
 *  "id": 4,
 *  "name": "Jessica Jones",
 *  "roles": ["admin"]
 * }
 * @response 404 {
 *  "message": "No query results for model [\App\User]"
 * }
public function show($id)
    return User::findOrFail($id);

@transformer, @transformerCollection, and @transformerModel

You can define the transformer that is used for the result of the route using the @transformer tag (or @transformerCollection if the route returns a list). The package will attempt to generate an instance of the model to be transformed using the following steps, stopping at the first successful one:

  1. Check if there is a @transformerModel tag to define the model being transformed. If there is none, use the class of the first parameter to the transformer's transform() method.
  2. Get an instance of the model from the Eloquent model factory
  3. If the parameter is an Eloquent model, load the first from the database.
  4. Create an instance using new.

Finally, it will pass in the model to the transformer and display the result of that as the example response.

For example:

 * @transformercollection \App\Transformers\UserTransformer
 * @transformerModel \App\User
public function listUsers()

 * @transformer \App\Transformers\UserTransformer
public function showUser(User $user)

 * @transformer \App\Transformers\UserTransformer
 * @transformerModel \App\User
public function showUser(int $id)
    // ...

For the first route above, this package will generate a set of two users then pass it through the transformer. For the last two, it will generate a single user and then pass it through the transformer.

Note: for transformer support, you need to install the league/fractal package

composer require league/fractal


For large response bodies, you may want to use a dump of an actual response. You can put this response in a file (as a JSON string) within your Laravel storage directory and link to it. For instance, we can put this response in a file named users.get.json in storage/responses:

{"id":5,"name":"Jessica Jones","gender":"female"}

Then in your controller, link to it by:

 * @responseFile responses/users.get.json
public function getUser(int $id)
  // ...

The package will parse this response and display in the examples for this route.

Similarly to @response tag, you can provide multiple @responseFile tags along with the HTTP status code of the response:

 * @responseFile responses/users.get.json
 * @responseFile 404 responses/model.not.found.json
public function getUser(int $id)
  // ...

Generating responses automatically

If you don't specify an example response using any of the above means, this package will attempt to get a

response by making a request to the route (a "response call"). A few things to note about response calls:

Open-API 3.0 spec file

The generator automatically creates an Open-API 3.0 spec file, which you can import to use within any external api application.

The default base URL added to the spec file will be that found in your Laravel config/app.php file. This will likely be http://localhost. If you wish to change this setting you can directly update the url or link this config value to your environment file to make it more flexible (as shown below):

'url' => env('APP_URL', 'http://yourappdefault.app'),

If you are referring to the environment setting as shown above, then you should ensure that you have updated your .env file to set the APP_URL value as appropriate. Otherwise the default value (http://yourappdefault.app) will be used in your spec file. Example environment value:


Documenting Complex Responses with @responseResource

The @responseResource annotation allows you to easily document complex response structures using Laravel API Resources. This feature streamlines the process of generating comprehensive API documentation for nested and complex data structures, including automatic generation of example responses.


To use the @responseResource annotation, add it to your controller method's PHPDoc block:

 * @responseResource App\Http\Resources\OrderResource
public function show($id)
    return new OrderResource(Order::findOrFail($id));

You can also specify a status code:

 * @responseResource 201 App\Http\Resources\OrderResource
public function store(Request $request)
    $order = Order::create($request->all());
    return new OrderResource($order);

Documenting the Resource Class

In your API Resource class, use the following tags in the class-level DocBlock to provide metadata about the resource:


 * @resourceName Order
 * @resourceDescription Represents an order in the system
 * @resourceStatus 200
class OrderResource extends JsonResource
    public function toArray($request)
        return [
             * @responseParam id integer required The ID of the order. Example: 1
            'id' => $this->id,
             * @responseParam status string required The status of the order. Enum: [pending, processing, shipped, delivered]. Example: processing
            'status' => $this->status,
             * @responseParam items array required The items in the order.
            'items' => $this->items->map(function ($item) {
                return [
                     * @responseParam id integer required The ID of the item. Example: 101
                    'id' => $item->id,
                     * @responseParam name string required The name of the item. Example: Ergonomic Keyboard
                    'name' => $item->name,
                     * @responseParam price float required The price of the item. Example: 129.99
                    'price' => $item->price,

Use @responseParam annotations within the toArray method to document individual fields of the resource. You can specify the following for each field:

The @responseResource annotation automatically parses your API Resource class to generate a detailed schema of your response structure, including nested relationships and complex data types. Additionally, it automatically generates an example response based on the provided example values or default values for each field type.

Further modification

The info file in the view folder can be further modified to add introductions and further documentation.

Using the Custom Configuration Generator

The idoc:custom command allows you to generate API documentation using a custom configuration file. This is useful when you need to generate documentation with different settings without modifying the default configuration.

Command Signature

The command signature is:

php artisan idoc:custom {config?}

How to Use

  1. Create a Custom Configuration File:

    Create a custom configuration file in the config directory. The file should follow the naming convention idoc.{config}.php, where {config} is the name you will use when running the command.

    Example for config/idoc.ecommerce.php:

    // config/idoc.ecommerce.php
    return [
        'title' => 'E-commerce API Documentation',
        'version' => '1.0.0',
        'description' => 'API documentation for e-commerce.',
        'terms_of_service' => 'https://example.com/terms',
        'contact' => [
            'name' => 'E-commerce API Support',
            'email' => 'support@example.com',
            'url' => 'https://example.com',
        'license' => [
            'name' => 'MIT',
            'url' => 'https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT',
        'output' => '/docs/ecommerce', // Ensure this path is unique
        'hide_download_button' => false,
        'external_description' => route('ecommerce-doc-description'),
        'routes' => [
                'match' => [
                    'domains' => ['*'],
                    'prefixes' => ['api/ecommerce/*'],
                    'versions' => ['v1'],
                'include' => [],
                'exclude' => [],
                'apply' => [
                    'headers' => [
                        'Authorization' => 'Bearer {token}',
                    'response_calls' => [
                        'methods' => ['*'],
                        'bindings' => [],
                        'env' => [
                            'APP_ENV' => 'documentation',
                            'APP_DEBUG' => false,
                        'headers' => [
                            'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
                            'Accept' => 'application/json',
                        'query' => [],
                        'body' => [],
                        'without_middleware' => [],
  2. Run the Command:

    Run the command with the name of your custom configuration file (without the .php extension).


    php artisan idoc:custom ecommerce

    If the custom configuration file exists, it will be loaded and merged with the default configuration. The command will then generate the API documentation using the merged configuration.

  3. Check the Output:

    The generated documentation will be saved to the path specified in the output configuration option of your custom configuration file. Ensure that the output path is unique for each custom documentation to avoid conflicts. This is relative to the public directory.

    • E-commerce API documentation: /docs/ecommerce, will save the open-api spec file to public/docs/ecommerce/openapi.json and the documentation to public/docs/ecommerce/index.html.
    • User Management API documentation: /docs/user will save the open-api spec file to public/docs/user/openapi.json and the documentation to public/docs/user/index.html.

By using the custom configuration generator, you can easily manage and generate multiple sets of API documentation for different applications within the same Laravel application. This approach allows you to maintain separate configurations and documentation outputs for each API, ensuring clarity and organization.

Managing Multiple API Documentation Sets

The custom configuration generator can also help you manage multiple sets of API documentation for different applications within the same Laravel application. This is particularly useful if you have different API sets for different applications or modules.

Example Scenario

Suppose you have a Laravel application that serves multiple APIs for different applications, such as a user management API, and an e-commerce API. You can create separate configuration files for each API and use the custom configuration generator to generate the documentation accordingly.

  1. Create Configuration Files:

    • config/idoc.ecommerce.php
    • config/idoc.user.php
  2. Run the Command for Each API:

    php artisan idoc:custom ecommerce
    php artisan idoc:custom user

    This will generate the API documentation for each application using the respective configuration file.

  3. Check the Output:

    The generated documentation will be saved to the paths specified in the output configuration options of your custom configuration files. Ensure that each output path is unique to avoid conflicts. This is relative to the public directory.

    • E-commerce API documentation: /docs/ecommerce, will save the open-api spec file to public/docs/ecommerce/openapi.json and the documentation to public/docs/ecommerce/index.html.
    • User Management API documentation: /docs/user will save the open-api spec file to public/docs/user/openapi.json and the documentation to public/docs/user/index.html.

By using the custom configuration generator, you can easily manage and generate multiple sets of API documentation for different applications within the same Laravel application. This approach allows you to maintain separate configurations and documentation outputs for each API, ensuring clarity and organization.

Defining Custom Documentation Routes

To serve the generated documentation for each custom configuration, you need to define routes in your routes/web.php or a similar routes file. This ensures that each set of documentation is accessible via a unique URL.

Example for idoc.ecommerce.php configuration:

1. **Create a Custom Configuration File:**

   Create a custom configuration file in the `config` directory. The file should follow the naming convention `idoc.{config}.php`, where `{config}` is the name you will use when running the command.

   Example for `config/idoc.ecommerce.php`:
   // config/idoc.ecommerce.php
   return [
       'title' => 'E-commerce API Documentation',
       'version' => '1.0.0',
       'description' => 'API documentation for e-commerce.',
       'terms_of_service' => 'https://example.com/terms',
       'contact' => [
           'name' => 'E-commerce API Support',
           'email' => 'support@example.com',
           'url' => 'https://example.com',
       'license' => [
           'name' => 'MIT',
           'url' => 'https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT',
       'output' => '/docs/ecommerce', // Ensure this path is unique
       'hide_download_button' => false,
       'external_description' => route('ecommerce-doc-description'),
       'routes' => [
               'match' => [
                   'domains' => ['*'],
                   'prefixes' => ['api/ecommerce/*'],
                   'versions' => ['v1'],
               'include' => [],
               'exclude' => [],
               'apply' => [
                   'headers' => [
                       'Authorization' => 'Bearer {token}',
                   'response_calls' => [
                       'methods' => ['*'],
                       'bindings' => [],
                       'env' => [
                           'APP_ENV' => 'documentation',
                           'APP_DEBUG' => false,
                       'headers' => [
                           'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
                           'Accept' => 'application/json',
                       'query' => [],
                       'body' => [],
                       'without_middleware' => [],
  1. Run the Command:

    Run the command with the name of your custom configuration file (without the .php extension).


    php artisan idoc:custom ecommerce

    If the custom configuration file exists, it will be loaded and merged with the default configuration. The command will then generate the API documentation using the merged configuration.

  2. Check the Output:

    The generated documentation will be saved to the path specified in the output configuration option of your custom configuration file. Ensure that the output path is unique for each custom documentation to avoid conflicts.

Managing Multiple API Documentation Sets

The custom configuration generator can also help you manage multiple sets of API documentation for different applications within the same Laravel application. This is particularly useful if you have different API sets for different applications or modules.

Example Scenario

Suppose you have a Laravel application that serves multiple APIs for different applications, such as a user management API, and an e-commerce API. You can create separate configuration files for each API and use the custom configuration generator to generate the documentation accordingly.

  1. Create Configuration Files:

    • config/idoc.ecommerce.php
    • config/idoc.user.php
  2. Run the Command for Each API:

    php artisan idoc:custom ecommerce
    php artisan idoc:custom user

    This will generate the API documentation for each application using the respective configuration file.

  3. Check the Output:

    The generated documentation will be saved to the paths specified in the output configuration options of your custom configuration files. Ensure that each output path is unique to avoid conflicts. This is relative to the public directory.

    • E-commerce API documentation: /docs/ecommerce, will save the open-api spec file to public/docs/ecommerce/openapi.json and the documentation to public/docs/ecommerce/index.html.
    • User Management API documentation: /docs/user will save the open-api spec file to public/docs/user/openapi.json and the documentation to public/docs/user/index.html.

By using the custom configuration generator, you can easily manage and generate multiple sets of API documentation for different applications within the same Laravel application. This approach allows you to maintain separate configurations and documentation outputs for each API, ensuring clarity and organization.

Defining Custom Documentation Routes

To serve the generated documentation for each custom configuration, you need to define routes in your routes/web.php or a similar routes file. This ensures that each set of documentation is accessible via a unique URL.

Example for idoc.ecommerce.php configuration:

// routes/web.php

// Documentation for the ecommerce routes
Route::group([], function () {
    // Set the idoc config to the ecommerce config
    config(['idoc' => config('idoc.ecommerce')]);

    // Define the route for the user documentation
    Route::view(config('idoc.path'), 'idoc::documentation');


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