

Imposter: Scriptable, multipurpose mock server


Mock server for REST APIs, OpenAPI (and Swagger) specifications, SOAP web services (and WSDL files), Salesforce and HBase APIs.

Imposter logo

Read the documentation here


Send dynamic responses:

Getting started

The quickest way to get up and running is to use the free cloud-hosted service at mocks.cloud

User documentation

Read the user documentation here


Mock types

Imposter provides specialised mocks for the following scenarios:

These use a plugin system, so you can also create your own plugins, using any JVM language.


$ imposter up

Starting server on port 8080...
Parsing configuration file: someapi-config.yaml
Mock server is up and running

Your mock server is now running! Here Imposter provides HTTP responses to simulate an API that accepts users and returns a dynamic response containing the user ID from the request.

$ curl -v -X PUT http://localhost:8080/users/alice

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json

{ "userName": "alice" }

This is a trivial example, which you can extend with conditional logic, request validation, data capture and much more...

How to run Imposter

There are many ways to run Imposter.

Standalone mock server

Embedded in tests

Recent changes and Roadmap

For recent changes see the Changelog, or view the Roadmap.



Pete Cornish (outofcoffee@gmail.com)