

<div align="center"> <img width="100" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/outbrain/Leonardo/master/leonardo.png" alt="Mocking and testing made simple and consistent. Developed by Outbrain." /> <h1>Leonardo</h1> <h3>Client side mocking for the server side </h3> <p align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/outbrain/Leonardo/actions/workflows/tests.yml" ><img src="https://github.com/outbrain/Leonardo/actions/workflows/tests.yml/badge.svg" alt="travis-ci workflow status" /></a> <a href="http://badge.fury.io/js/leonardojs" ><img src="https://badge.fury.io/js/leonardojs.svg" alt="NPM version" /></a> <a href="http://packagequality.com/#?package=leonardojs" ><img src="http://npm.packagequality.com/shield/leonardojs.svg" alt="Package Quality" /></a> </p> </div>



$ npm install leonardojs --save-dev


Full Application Example

Video Example - AngularJS Israel Conference (Hebrew)

Getting Started

1. Add Leonardo script

Require in your code

    // in dev environment
    import 'leonardojs';

Or directly in html

   <script src="[node_modules|other]/leonardo/dist/leonardo.js"></script>

2. Run your app

You should now see Leonardo's icon on the bottom right corner. Click It.

3. Start mocking your http calls via the recorder tab

Mocking and testing made simple and consistent. Developed by Outbrain.

4. Turn your mocking on and off as you wish

Mocking and testing made simple and consistent. Developed by Outbrain.

5. Change your responses as you wish

Mocking and testing made simple and consistent. Developed by Outbrain.

Javascript API

Automate your mocks using Leonardo's API



Add States

addState(State array)

          name: 'Get Data',
          url: '/api/user/43435',
          verb: 'GET',
          options: [
            {name: 'success', status: 200, data: { name: "Master Splinter" }},
            {name: 'error 500', status: 500}
          name: 'Get Data',
          url: '/api/user/43435',
          verb: 'GET',
          options: [
            {name: 'success', status: 200, data: { name: "Master Splinter" }},
            {name: 'error 500', status: 500}
          name: 'Get Characters',
          url: '/api/character',
          verb: 'GET',
          options: [
              name: 'success', 
              status: 200,
              data: function(request) {
                if (request.url.indexOf('term=Donatello') > 0) {
                  return { name: "Donatello" };
                } else {
                  return { name: "Raphael" };                  

Activate State Option

activateStateOption(stateName, optionName)

Activates state option, mocked response will be returned when calling the state url

    Leonardo.activateStateOption('Update Data', 'success');
    $http.put('/api/user/43435', { name: "Master Splinter" }).success(function(data, status) {
        console.log(status); // 200 
    Leonardo.activateStateOption('Update Data', 'error 500');
    $http.put('/api/user/43435', { name: "Master Splinter" }).error(function(data, status) {
        console.log(status); // 500 

Deactivate State


Deactivates a specific state, when calling the state url request will pass through to the server

    Leonardo.deactivateState('Update Data');

Hide/Show Leonardo icon

You can hide Leonardo activator icon by clicking ctrl + shift + l.