

stem skeleton v3.0.0

A concept on top of node-organic for orchestration and development of cells.

It takes the organic concept further to the level of cells and their organized development within a monorepo.


$ npx node-organic/organic-stem-skeleton my-project

The end result is a scaffolded skeleton:

| - dna
| - cells
| - packages
| - package.json
| - lerna.json

quick overview

The stem skeleton is:

concept blocks


Every application having one responsibility is a cell within the stem skeleton. There are different kinds of cells by their responsibility and implementation within a system.

Cells are placed under monorepo root cells/ folder. For example cells of a web based platform usually have following kinds: api, spa, cron, mobile, db & etc.

More information

cells README


Packages can be re-used across the monorepo within cells and/or other packages. Packages are stored within packages/ folder.

More information

packages README


The configuration about the system and every cell kind is stored as DNA (yaml) files. Those files are parsed all together constructing a big inmemory object. This object can be iterated and bits of it can be used for configuration within the system.

The YAML files have a syntax 'sugar' buildin allowing:

DNA YAML files are located within dna folders respectively at monorepo root folder (root DNA) and within every single cell (cell DNA).

There is organic-dna-repo-loader implementation which is the package used out of the box for organic-stem-skeleton monorepo DNA loading.

More information