


mooD Nvim is a configuration made for those who wants to install and use, without worries.

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🪄 Features

📃 Dependencies

💾 Installation

We created a bash script to make your life easier and install Mood Nvim automatically. Just run the below command in the terminal on either mac or linux (ubuntu only), choose what you want to install and have fun!

bash <(curl -Ls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/otavioschwanck/mood-nvim/main/bin/mood-installer.sh)

If you will use tmux, after the first open, press C-x I to install the packages.

To install manually, check the Manual Installation Page.

After the installation, check if is missing something with :checkhealth

When you run the tmux for the first time, press C-x I to install the missing plugins.

⚠️ Disclaimer

This configuration is made to use with Alacritty and Tmux. Please install it and learn before use it.

🔗 Useful links

🎓 How to learn the keybindings of this configuration?

Just press SPC h h to open the handbook inside vim.