

This repo is the official implementation for the CVPR2022 paper "GOAL: Generating 4D Whole-Body Motion for Hand-Object Grasping".

<p align="center"> <h1 align="center">GOAL: Generating 4D Whole-Body Motion for Hand-Object Grasping</h1> <p align="center"> <a href="https://ps.is.mpg.de/person/otaheri"><strong>Omid Taheri</strong></a> · <a href="https://ps.is.mpg.de/person/vchoutas"><strong>Vassilis Choutas</strong></a> · <a href="https://ps.is.tuebingen.mpg.de/person/black"><strong>Michael J. Black</strong></a> · <a href="https://ps.is.mpg.de/~dtzionas"><strong>Dimitrios Tzionas</strong></a> </p> <h2 align="center">CVPR 2022</h2> <div align="center"> </div> <a href=""> <img src="./images/teaser.png" alt="Logo" width="100%"> </a> <p align="center"> <br> <a href="https://pytorch.org/get-started/locally/"><img alt="PyTorch" src="https://img.shields.io/badge/PyTorch-ee4c2c?logo=pytorch&logoColor=white"></a> <a href='https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.11454'> <img src='https://img.shields.io/badge/Paper-PDF-green?style=flat&logo=arXiv&logoColor=green' alt='Paper PDF'> </a> <a href='https://goal.is.tue.mpg.de/' style='padding-left: 0.5rem;'> <img src='https://img.shields.io/badge/Project-Page-blue?style=flat&logo=Google%20chrome&logoColor=blue' alt='Project Page'><br></br>


</p> </p> <!-- [[Project Website](https://goal.is.tue.mpg.de/)] [[arXiv Paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.11454)] -->

GOAL is a generative model that generates full-body motion of human body that walk and grasp unseen 3D objects. GOAL consists of two main steps:

  1. GNet generates the final grasp of the motion.
  2. MNet generates the motion from the starting to the grasp frame. It is trained on the GRAB dataset. For more details please refer to the Paper or the project website.


Below you can see some generated whole-body static grasps from GNet. The hand close-ups are from the same grasp, and for better visualization:



Below you can see some generated whole-body motions that walk and grasp 3D objects using MNet:


For more details check out the YouTube video below.


Table of Contents


This implementation:


This package has the following requirements:


To install the dependencies please follow the next steps:

Getting started

For a quick demo of GNet you can give it a try on google-colab here (Coming Soon).

Inorder to use the GOAL models please follow the steps below:

GNet and MNet data

python data/process_gnet_data.py --grab-path /path/to/GRAB --smplx-path /path/to/smplx/models/
python data/process_mnet_data.py --grab-path /path/to/GRAB --smplx-path /path/to/smplx/models/

GNet and MNet models

    ├── models
    │   │
    │   ├── GNet_model.pt
    │   ├── MNet_model.pt
    │   └── ...

SMPLX models


After installing the GOAL package, dependencies, and downloading the data and the models from SMPLX website, you should be able to run the following examples:


    title = {{GOAL}: {G}enerating {4D} Whole-Body Motion for Hand-Object Grasping},
    author = {Taheri, Omid and Choutas, Vasileios and Black, Michael J. and Tzionas, Dimitrios},
    booktitle = {Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition ({CVPR})},
    year = {2022},
    url = {https://goal.is.tue.mpg.de}
    title = {{GRAB}: {A} Dataset of Whole-Body Human Grasping of Objects},
    author = {Taheri, Omid and Ghorbani, Nima and Black, Michael J. and Tzionas, Dimitrios},
    booktitle = {European Conference on Computer Vision ({ECCV})},
    year = {2020},
    url = {https://grab.is.tue.mpg.de}


Software Copyright License for non-commercial scientific research purposes. Please read carefully the terms and conditions in the LICENSE file and any accompanying documentation before you download and/or use the GOAL data, model and software, (the "Data & Software"), including 3D meshes (body and objects), images, videos, textures, software, scripts, and animations. By downloading and/or using the Data & Software (including downloading, cloning, installing, and any other use of the corresponding github repository), you acknowledge that you have read these terms and conditions, understand them, and agree to be bound by them. If you do not agree with these terms and conditions, you must not download and/or use the Data & Software. Any infringement of the terms of this agreement will automatically terminate your rights under this License.


This research was partially supported by the International Max Planck Research School for Intelligent Systems (IMPRS-IS) and the Max Planck ETH Center for Learning Systems (CLS); Omid Taheri is with IMPRS-IS and Vassilis Choutas is with CLS.

We thank:


The code of this repository was implemented by Omid Taheri and Vassilis Choutas.

For questions, please contact goal@tue.mpg.de.

For commercial licensing (and all related questions for business applications), please contact ps-licensing@tue.mpg.de.