

<div align="center"> <img src="http://i.imgur.com/kYYCXtC.png" alt="Open Source Society logo"/> <h3>Open Source Society University</h3> <p> :abacus: Path to a free self-taught education in Math! </p> <p> <a href="https://github.com/open-source-society/math"> <img alt="Open Source Society University - Math" src="https://img.shields.io/badge/OSSU-math-blue.svg"> </a> </p> </div>



The OSSU curriculum is a complete education in mathematics using online materials. It's for those who want a proper grounding in concepts fundamental to all math disciplines, and for those who have the discipline, will, and good habits to obtain this education largely on their own, but with support from a worldwide community of fellow learners.

It is designed according to the degree requirements of undergraduate math majors, minus general education (non-math) requirements, as it is assumed most of the people following this curriculum are already educated outside the field of math. The courses themselves are among the very best in the world, often coming from Harvard, MIT, Stanford, etc., but specifically chosen to meet the following criteria.

Courses must:

When no course meets the above criteria, the coursework is supplemented with a book.

Duration. It is possible to finish the curriculum within about 2 years if you plan carefully and devote roughly 18-22 hours/week to your studies.

Cost. OSSU strives to identify free resources to reach your learning goal. However, some courses may charge money for assignments/tests/projects to be graded.

Decide how much or how little to spend based on your own time and budget; just remember that you can't purchase success!

Process. Students can work through the curriculum alone or in groups, in order or out of order.

Content policy. If you plan on showing off some of your coursework publicly, you must share only files that you are allowed to. Respect the code of conduct that you sign in the beginning of each course!

How to contribute

Getting help (Details about our FAQ and chatroom)


Code of conduct

OSSU's code of conduct.


The curriculum is separated into two parts:

Core Mathematics

All classes under Core Mathematics are required, unless stated otherwise.

Introduction to Mathematical Thinking

Most people's views of mathematics are destroyed in school by focusing on memorization and regurgitation. But mathematicians see math as an elegant way to explain the world around us. This class covers how to think like a mathematician and solve problems.

Topics covered: Mathematical mindset Number Theory

Introduction to Mathematical Thinking10 weeks4 hours/weeknone
[LaTeX](Learn LaTeX in 30 minutes)1 week30 minutes/weeknone


Calculus is the study of change (differential calculus) and accumulation of quantities (integral calculus). As the cornerstone of geometry and physics, it serves as the foundation for understanding many natural phenomena and plays an essential role in modern technology, scientific discovery, and many fields, including engineering, economics, and medicine.

Topics Covered: Derivatives Integrals Infinity

Calculus 1A: Differentiation13 weeks6-10 hours/weekhigh school math
Calculus 1B: Integration13 weeks5-10 hours/weekCalculus 1A
Calculus 1C: Coordinate Systems & Infinite Series6 weeks5-10 hours/weekCalculus 1B
Multivariable Calculus12 weeks6 hours/weekCalculus 1C

Introduction to Differential Equations

Differential equations describe the science of change: the route by which natural and man-made systems move from one state to another. Epidemics, population growth, and weather patterns are all modeled using differential equations. It provides us a mathematical language to describe physical, chemical, and biological systems and their evolution.

Topics covered: First-order ODEs Second-order ODEs Higher-order ODEs Laplace Transforms

Differential Equations14 weeks12 hours/weekCalculus 1C

Discrete Mathematics

Discrete mathematics is the mathematics of objects and ideas. It includes topics such as combinatorics, graph theory, and logic. The topics discussed here also form the basis of the field of computer science. For mathematics majors, a discrete math course is usually also a first introduction to formal proofs.

Topics covered: Counting Grouping Classifying Logic and Reasoning

Mathematics for Computer Science14 weeks6-8 hours/weekCalculus 1C

Linear Algebra

Linear algebra is the mathematics of spatial relationships that deals with the manipulation of vectors and matrices. It provides an elegant way to consider many simultaneous equations, visualize arbitrarily-many dimensions, and explain complex phenomena in simple terms.

Topics covered: Vector and matrix calculations Linear transformations Vector spaces Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

Essence of Linear Algebra--high school math
Linear Algebra14 weeks12 hours/weekEssence of Linear Algebra

Probability & Statistics

Probability is the mathematics of uncertainty. Statistics is the mathematical framework for quantifying uncertainty in real-world data. These two related but distinct fields of study help us describe variation and uncertainty in the world around us. These courses make heavy use of discrete mathematics, linear algebra, and calculus, and serve as a first opportunity to apply what you've learned in the other core courses.

Topics covered: Random variables Expectation and Variance Probability Distributions

Probability14 weeks12-16 hours/weekMultivariable Calculus, Math for Computer Science, Linear Algebra
Statistics for Applications14 weeks12-16 hours/weekProbability

Introduction to Analysis

Analysis is the mathematics of sequences and limits. Intro to Analysis is a course that builds on the concepts of Calculus and provides a rigorous and formalized study of the foundations of Calculus. This course will use formal proofs to establish mathematical results, starting by proving the existence of real numbers and building the foundation of single-variable Calculus from scratch.

Topics covered: Proofs Real analysis

Introduction to Analysis14 weeks8-10 hours/weekMultivariable Calculus
Supplemental Lecture Videos16 weeks8-10 hours/weekMultivariable Calculus

Introduction to Abstract Algebra

Abstract algebra (occasionally called modern algebra) is the study of algebraic structures. Algebraic structures include groups, rings, fields, modules, vector spaces, lattices, and algebras. Abstract algebra was coined in the early 20th century to distinguish this area of study from older parts of algebra, more specifically from elementary algebra, using variables to represent numbers in computation and reasoning.

Topics covered: Group Theory Rings and fields

Introduction to Abstract Group theory8 weeks8-10 hours/weekhigh school math
Introduction to Rings and Fields8 weeks8-10 hours/weekIntroduction to Abstract Group Theory

Advanced Topics

Upon finishing all the core mathematics courses, students can choose to take elective courses in advanced topics of their choice. It is not necessary to take every course within a subcategory, but it is recommended to take courses relevant to the intended field of study.

To complete your study of Advanced Topics, meet both the Breadth and Depth requirements.

Mathematical Logic

Introduction to Formal Logic15 weeks9 hours/week-

Geometry and Topology

Topology Without Tears15 weeks14 hours/weekhigh school math, Set Theory, Knowledge of axiomatic branch of mathematics such as Introduction to Abstract Algebra
Euclidean plane and its relatives14 weeks4-6 hours/weekElementary Set Theory, Calculus 1C, Linear Algebra
Geometry with an Introduction to Cosmic Topology14 weeks14 hours/weekMultivariable Calculus
Differential Geometry (Supplementary Video Lectures)10 weeks6-8 hours/weekMultivariable Calculus, Introduction To Analysis and Linear Algebra

Probability and Statistics

Combinatorics, probability, statistics, game theory, applied stats

Mathematical Analysis

Real analysis, numerical analysis, complex analysis, optimization theory

Abstract Algebra

Abstract algebra, category theory, algebraic geometry and topology


After completing the requirements of the curriculum above, you will have completed the equivalent of a full bachelor's degree in Mathematics. Congratulations!

What is next for you? The possibilities are boundless and overlapping:

How to show your progress

  1. Create an account in Trello.
  2. Copy this board to your personal account. See how to copy a board here.

Now that you have a copy of our official board, you just need to pass the cards to the Doing column or Done column as you progress in your study.


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