

OSSEC v3.8.0 Copyright (C) 2019 Trend Micro Inc.

Information about OSSEC

OSSEC is a full platform to monitor and control your systems. It mixes together all the aspects of HIDS (host-based intrusion detection), log monitoring and SIM/SIEM together in a simple, powerful and open source solution.

Visit our website for the latest information. www.ossec.net

Current Releases

The current stable releases are available on the ossec website.


The development version is hosted on GitHub and just a simple git clone away.

Build Status Coverity Scan Build Status


File Integrity Monitoring


Attack Detection

SSH Brute Force

Help / Support

Join us on slack, ossec.slack.com: Invites to slack@ossec.net

Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/BXzM75Xzq7

Credits and Thanks