

OSPRay Studio

This is release v1.1.0 of IntelĀ® OSPRay Studio. It is released under the Apache 2.0 license.

Visit OSPRay Studio (http://www.ospray.org/ospray_studio) for more information.

See what's new in this release.


Intel OSPRay Studio is an open source and interactive visualization and ray tracing application that leverages Intel OSPRay as its core rendering engine. It can be used to load complex scenes requiring high fidelity rendering or very large scenes requiring supercomputing resources.

The main control structure is a scene graph which allows users to create an abstract scene in a directed acyclical graph manner. Scenes can either be imported or created using scene graph nodes and structure support. The scenes can then be rendered either with OSPRay's pathtracer or scivis renderer.

More information can be found in the high-level feature description.

Building OSPRay Studio

CMake Superbuild

Required dependencies for superbuild

For convenience, OSPRay Studio provides a CMake Superbuild script which will pull down its dependencies i.e. GLFW, OSPRay, rkcommon and TBB. It builds OSPRay Studio without OpemImageIO and OpenEXR support. stb_image is used for all image operations by default instead.

To use the superbuild run with:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .

For other full set of options, run:

ccmake ..


cmake-gui ..

Standard CMake build

For standard cmake process turn off cmake option OSPRAY_INSTALL and provide following required dependencies with their respective cmake options as will be listed in OS-specific building process below.

Required dependencies

Optional Dependencies

Building on Linux and macOS

Building on Windows

Use CMake (cmake-gui) to configure and generate a Microsoft Visual Studio solution file for OSPRay Studio.

You can optionally use the CMake command line:

cmake --build . --config Release --target install