

Prune Your Model Before Distill It


This is an PyTorch implement of the paper ``Prune Your Model Before Distill It''.

Table of Contents

1 How to run

2 ResNet Optimization

<a name=how_to_run></a>1 How to run

1.1 Full framework

python main.py --pre_train --pruning --kd
  1. code progress

1.2 Train Model

The following command will train the model.

python main.py --pre_train

1.3 Prune the Teacher

python main.py --pruning

1.4 Distill the Teacher to Student

python main.py --kd

1.5 Available models

    cifar100_models = {
    tiny_imagenet_models = {

<a name=resnet_opt></a>2 ResNet Optimization

If the maxpooling layer is used in conv1, a larger batche_size and learning rate should be used, and the accuracy gain obtained by using the pruned teacher may slightly decrease.