WTFramework Bookmarklet
Check the JavaScript framework used on a website with just one click
WTFramwork also contacts for the latest version numbers, to compare with the versions found on the page.
Currently supporting the following frameworks:
- Ace *
- ActiveJS *
- AngularJS
- Backbone.js
- Backbone localStorage *
- Batman.js *
- Base2
- CamanJS
- Chainvas *
- CoffeeScript *
- Clientcide Libraries
- Crafty *
- CSS 3 Finalize *
- CSS 3 Pie *
- Cufon *
- D3
- Datejs *
- DDbelatedPNG *
- DocumentUp *
- Dojo
- Dojo Mobile *
- Ember
- Enyo
- Ext JS
- fancyBox
- flexie
- Flot
- Galleria
- Google Chrome Frame *
- g.Raphael *
- Glow
- Handlebars
- Head JS *
- Highcharts JS
- History.js *
- Hogan.js *
- html5shiv *
- ICanHaz.js
- JS State Machine
- JavaScriptMVC *
- jQuery
- jQuery throttle / debounce *
- jQuery Tools
- jQuery Mobile *
- jQuery Cycle *
- jQuery UI
- js-signals
- JSXGraph *
- Kendo UI *
- Knockout *
- LABjs *
- LESS *
- LightningJS *
- LungoJS
- Midori *
- Modernizr
- MochiKit
- MooTools A.R.T.
- MooTools Core
- MooTools More
- Mustache
- Ninja UI
- Noisy *
- oCanvas *
- o2.js
- PageDown *
- Prettify *
- Processing.js
- Prototype
- PubNub
- Qooxdoo
- Raphaël
- Rico
- RightJS
- Sammy
- $script.js *
- Scripty2
- Sencha Touch *
- Sizzle *
- SnackJS
- Spine
- SproutCore *
- Spry *
- Sugar *
- SWFObject *
- Terrific *
- Tiny Scrollbar *
- Twitter Lib *
- Underscore.js
- Waypoints
- WebFont Loader *
- xui *
- yepnope.js *
- YUI (version 2/3)
- Zepto *
- ZK
(Framework marked with * has no version detection)
- Source/WTFramework.src.js - the original source
- Source/WTFramework.bookmarklet.js - the minified bookmarklet