


自動編譯 License: GPL v3

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===== 源於開源的注音倉頡輸入法前端, 基於著名的Rime輸入法框架, 使用JNI的C語言和安卓的java語言書寫, 旨在保護漢語各地方言母語, 音碼形碼通用的輸入法平臺。




Clone the project, pay attention it costs long time to clone the project. You should wait a long time to complete, and make sure your disk is big enough to hold the source. Especially the boost repository, you can change hosts to speed the procedure (search hosts in github).

cd $your_folder
git clone --recursive https://github.com/osfans/trime.git

Now you can build apk(recommended):

cd $trime_folder
make release

This will just compile android java file and pack the newer resource file.

librime.so and librime_jni.so will be uploaded by us regularly, and you won't worry about the outdated *so files.

If you want compile the librime.so and librime_jni.so or the source code under the 'jni' folder changed by upstream, you can use:

cd $trime_folder
make apk

And read the guide by different platform to build the *.so files.

第三方庫/3rd Party Library