


Protocol Buffers protobuf maven plugin - performs protobuf code generation using protoc-jar multi-platform executable protoc JAR. Available on Maven Central: https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/com/github/os72/protoc-jar-maven-plugin/3.11.4/

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Simple maven plugin to compile .proto files using protoc-jar embedded protoc compiler, providing some portability across the major platforms (Linux, Mac/OSX, and Windows). At build time the plugin detects the platform and executes the corresponding protoc binary.

Supports embedded protoc versions 2.4.1, 2.5.0, 2.6.1, 3.11.4, and any binaries (protoc and protoc plugins) available for download from maven central. Also supports pre-installed protoc binary

See also



Documentation: see http://os72.github.io/protoc-jar-maven-plugin/, in particular run-mojo

Sample usage - compile in main cycle into target/generated-sources, add generated sources to project, use default protoc version and default src/main/protobuf source folder:


Sample usage - compile in main cycle into target/generated-sources, add generated sources to project, add all .proto sources to generated jar, include .proto files from direct maven dependencies, include additional imports:


Sample usage - download protoc and plugin binaries from maven repo, multiple output targets (example: gRPC):


Sample usage - javalite, multiple output targets:


Sample usage - compile in test cycle, multiple output targets, don't alter project (<addSources>: none):


Sample usage - generate java shaded for use with protobuf-java-shaded-241, don't alter project:



Originally based on