


A CLI tool to automatically add type annotations into Python code.

The main scenario for using the tool is to help you with annotating a big and old codebase. It won't solve the task for you 100% but will definitely help you tremendously, because many of the functions in the real world have quite simple return types that are easy to infer automatically.



Let's say, you have the following method:

class Database:
    def users_count(self):
        return len(self.users)

Since len always returns int, infer-types is able to infer the return type of the method. So, after running the tool, the code will look like this:

class Database:
    def users_count(self) -> int:
        return len(self.users)


python3 -m pip install infer-types


python3 -m infer_types ./example/

The tool will add new import statements that can be duplicated and are located not at the top of the file. To fix it, run isort:

python3 -m isort ./example/

The infer-types tool uses the new fancy syntax for type annotations introduced in Python 3.10. So, instead of Optional[str] it will emit str | None. If your code is supposed to run on an older version of Python, add from __future__ import annotations at the beginning of each file. It will solve the issue and also make startup of your app faster. You can also do that with isort:

python3 -m isort --add-import 'from __future__ import annotations' ./example/

See awesome-python-typing for more tools to help you with annotating your code.

How it works

You can run only a specific heuristic using the --only flag.